I don't want to create a temporal paradox, but I will make one comment
Please don't get me wrong, but you say you don't want others to do it for me but to just tell you... in a way it's the same thing. Actually someone telling you will just make you learn something new, but not something on your own. If you'd have checked my iscript and then debugged it and compared it, you'd have learned a lot more than if we'd give you "on a silver platter"
But since it's your thread I'll satisfy you.
The thing is, if you'd have read all my posts carefully, I already told you the problem.
The problem is you went OVER the maximum frames. 0x43 is maximum. That grp doesn't have more than 67 frames. Also, SF is wrong this time, the wait is irrelevant. The second problem is that setfldirect doesn't work here and causes a crash as well. My guess it has to do wit the fact that the image is controlled as "partially mobile" but I am not 100% sure. Still, remove it to avoid crashes.
Third problem that you WILL eventually encounter is that SC will crash when the HT dies. And fourth problem is also mentioned, that the unit can't be selected or targeted properly.
I assume you'll ask on how to make the death fadeout seq work. This time I'll simply say, check my Iscript since i did that
Funny enough, I did in my script all you did here without knowing you did it too (since I made it from scratch). You used that flashing anim too apparently, but I only did it for attacking. Considering I did work on it, I suggest you check that zip I gave you in-game and tell me what you think.
So problems 1, 2 and 3 are fixed. I am still waiting for someone to find a fix for problem 4 (if there is any). I just hope it doesn't involve lo? editing or I will curse.
Glad I could help