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Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Perfect grid unit?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-11-13 at 17:57:57
Ok, I need a unit for grid system. There are some things that I especially need:
  • Must be able to build on. (burrowed units won't do)
  • Must be static. (No floating air units)
  • Must be walkable.
  • Must be invisible/cloaked or at least not distracting.
  • Must work with "give unit" and "move loc" triggers.
  • A factor I'm not sure of. (p9-p12 traps meet all the factors but move loc trigger doesn't move the loc exactly to the right location. Weird stuff)

Report, edit, etc...Posted by FlareonFurry on 2006-11-13 at 18:13:03
Let me get this straight...
You want a unit players can't see, can build on, and can be moved around, as well as given to other players?
Why not just cloak a scourge?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2006-11-13 at 18:14:36
Well I mainly use the 9x9 scourge/observer combination for my perfect grids. I don't see any unit that could fit under all of those things though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-11-13 at 19:18:26
Did you make sure that you place the p9-p12 traps top to bottom? That would make them give in a different order if you did it any other way.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zeratul_101 on 2006-11-13 at 19:24:37
or just open it up with xtra before you put down deleted stuff(stacked units, sprites etc.)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-11-14 at 08:29:25
Did I mention SCXE anywhere? tongue.gif

The unit must be static, it must stay in the point I preplaced it by any means. So I can't use scourges because they float off if another air unit comes close.

I'm not sure about what was wrong with the traps. I need to build machine shops on 2x2 squares with triggers. I can't use locations for it because i need 300+ shops. So I want to use grid system because it would eat only 1 location. But for some reason most of the machine shops couldn't be placed when I used traps.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-11-14 at 08:50:45
Must be able to build on. (burrowed units won't do)
I need to build machine shops on 2x2 squares with triggers.
Addons can be created on top of units.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-11-14 at 09:12:09
I didn't know that. But I still need it to be buildable, for pylons. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-14 at 09:40:49
Are you sure that it does not work with a preplaced grid of machine shops that is removed/changed step by step?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-11-14 at 12:23:54
I need to place the shops with triggers in a clear field of 2x2 squares. If I could preplace then, they I would not need those triggers.

I need the triggers to work multiple times.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-11-14 at 16:31:34
You could move the unit out of the way before you create the building, then move it back afterward.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-11-14 at 16:49:09
QUOTE(Kenoli @ Nov 15 2006, 12:31 AM)
You could move the unit out of the way before you create the building, then move it back afterward.

You mean burrowed units? No it won't do because after the shops are placed, I need the squares to be buildable. So if I kill the shop I can manually build a pylon with probe there. I think burrowed units are out of the question.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lethal_Illusion on 2006-11-14 at 17:13:55
How many locations can you use? If you have some extra, I know a grid method meeting all of those requirements...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-11-14 at 17:15:48
Well maybe a hundred but not more. And I need ~350 points on the grid.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lethal_Illusion on 2006-11-14 at 17:19:50
QUOTE(DEAD @ Nov 14 2006, 05:15 PM)
Well maybe a hundred but not more. And I need ~350 points on the grid.

Whats the map size and how defined do you want your grid (2x2, 1x1, etc.)?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-11-14 at 17:22:58
I'm not sure about this one, but...

You have a field. Take 9 cells in a square. Pre-place a location in the middle cell of this square. Each time you need to create some units, you use a mobile grid from that pre-placed location. That way, you will have 1 location for 9 cells. I wouldn't trust the mobile grid to do a 16 cell square though. I remember it being not always accurate.

This can be tricky, because LW's Science Vessel grid can not match the cells perfectly, so you might also want to try a Mutalisk grid. As far as I remember, the Mutalisk grid sets the locations a bit closer to eachother compared to the SCI grid...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-11-14 at 17:25:49
64x64, but I only use ~2/3 of it. Rows and colons are 2 tile wide.

user posted image

I need it all covered with shops, but covered using a grid, so I can randomize whenever there is or is not a shop. Creating something like a maze.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lethal_Illusion on 2006-11-14 at 17:40:27
QUOTE(DEAD @ Nov 14 2006, 05:25 PM)
64x64, but I only use ~2/3 of it. Rows and colons are 2 tile wide.

user posted image

I need it all covered with shops, but covered using a grid, so I can randomize whenever there is or is not a shop. Creating something like a maze.

By the looks of it, you're going to need a 2x2 grid. Now, what I had in mind was making different lengthed locations (done by a couple people before). You would have a line of units lining the top and bottom of the map (spaced 2 squares apart if it's a 2x2 grid) and 64 Y Axis locations (2x2, 2x6, 2x10, 2x14, and so forth to 2x62).

Now, once you have the coordinates, you give X# of units along the top then center one of the Y Axis locations on that unit (you would have to center another 2x2 location on that Y Axis location) then do the desired action. I can be a bit more specific if you want me to go into more detail. Hope it helps.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-11-14 at 17:47:45
I'm not sure did I get it right. Maybe some more detail would help. rolleyes.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2006-11-14 at 17:55:44
Now that you gave a screenshot, you could try out my Coordinate Grid map in my profile. It's sort of what like Lethal is saying except using a different method. Then again I may be wrong if I misinterpreted what Lethal said.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lethal_Illusion on 2006-11-14 at 17:59:38
QUOTE(DEAD @ Nov 14 2006, 05:47 PM)
I'm not sure did I get it right. Maybe some more detail would help. rolleyes.gif

Okay, there will be many different elongated locations:
2x2 2x14 2x26 2x38 2x50 2x62
2x6 2x18 2x30 2x42 2x54
2x10 2x22 2x34 2x46 2x58

Now, thats only the Y axis locations; for the X axis locations, you would use units in a line on the side of the map. Then from there, you would give a certain number of them to another player, center the desired Y location on it, give them all back, center a 2x2 location in the center of the Y location, then do the desired action.

For example:
You want square (13, 5)

1) You would give 12 units on the top to another player
2) You center the Y axis location "2x18" on the next unit on the top (#13)
3) Give the units on the top back to the player
4) Center a 2x2 location on "2x18"
5) Create Machine Shop at the 2x2 location
6) Clear (or do whatever else you want) with the coordinates

For more reference, look at Fishgold's Omega Engine maps.

(I hope I didn't tell you anything incorrectly pinch.gif )
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultramilkman on 2006-11-14 at 20:37:24
Wow you map looks exactly like Path Defence 2
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-11-14 at 22:44:08
What's wrong with using a normal mobile grid again?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-15 at 04:02:29
@ Lethal_Illusion: you are using the fact that a location is not really centered on a unit if it would be outside the map partially, correct?
I am not yet that sure about it, never read about it, just noticed it recently. But now that you mention this system it seems reasonable.

With this you could only acess about 1/2 of the map if you have only 1 x-axis of units. I suggest to use a second x-axis (one at the top, one at the bottom), to increase the usable grid.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-11-15 at 12:59:31
QUOTE(Lethal_Illusion @ Nov 15 2006, 01:59 AM)
Okay, there will be many different elongated locations:
2x2        2x14      2x26      2x38      2x50      2x62
2x6        2x18      2x30      2x42      2x54
2x10      2x22      2x34      2x46      2x58

Now, thats only the Y axis locations; for the X axis locations, you would use units in a line on the side of the map. Then from there, you would give a certain number of them to another player, center the desired Y location on it, give them all back, center a 2x2 location in the center of the Y location, then do the desired action.

For example:
You want square (13, 5)

1) You would give 12 units on the top to another player
2) You center the Y axis location "2x18" on the next unit on the top (#13)
3) Give the units on the top back to the player
4) Center a 2x2 location on "2x18"
5) Create Machine Shop at the 2x2 location
6) Clear (or do whatever else you want) with the coordinates

For more reference, look at Fishgold's Omega Engine maps.

(I hope I didn't tell you anything incorrectly  pinch.gif )

OMG that would be quite some triggers. Not to mention that I will need to scan for destroyed shops. pinch.gif

QUOTE(Kenoli @ Nov 15 2006, 06:44 AM)
What's wrong with using a normal mobile grid again?

Nothing, I want to use mobile grid. But I need the unit I asked for in the topic post. ermm.gif
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