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Staredit Network -> Computers and Technical -> XMusic
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-11-14 at 15:29:50
I figure since feedback about websites are allowed why need feedback about programs?

So i've gotton pretty deep into C#, anyway heres a basic music program I made.
+Saves last Playlist items and Library items
+Plays most songs(mp3's, wmv's, wav's)
+Supports Shuffle + Repeat
+Implementation of what I call Virtual Folders(Neat way of organizing songs)
+Volume change, song progress bar, etc..
+Stays completely out of your way! Just click on the X(Exit Icon) and it will dissapear but the song will still play. Bring it back up with the X icon on the bottom right. The memory usage when it dissapears is very very low.

Anyway i'm looking for some feedback. The file is very small, only 64KB unpacked and like 18KB packed.

(Requires .NET 2.0 framework)

I've got a new build(complete recode), it's completely resizeable and you can change the font + color on basically everything and customize song filters. It also has an easier way to change volume....and it uses much superior coding(I learned a TON). You can also rearrange songs via drop and drop. There will also be customizeable global hotkeys(Click a button while your in a game to pause the song, another to go to the next song, and etc.)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Insane.oO on 2006-11-14 at 16:18:07
Does it hold its own music? Winamp and Itunes dont so its a pain in the ass to use like I want to

nevermind it looks like it does but nice program I like it more than winamp and I thnik im gonna switch over to this for music from now on smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-11-14 at 19:54:49
Does it hold its own music? Winamp and Itunes dont so its a pain in the ass to use like I want to

How it holds music is like this:
When you add a file into a Virtual Folder it records where the file is located on the hard drive and stores it in Library.xml.
You can also select multiple virtual folders(for the library) at the same time by holding ctrl, and then double clicking on the virtual folder.

My next version will include some significant updates and well....the code is much more object oriented than ever(much easier to add in stuff for me).

nevermind it looks like it does but nice program I like it more than winamp and I thnik im gonna switch over to this for music from now on

Always feels great when someone appreciates your work smile.gif. Thanks! Pass it around to your friends.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-11-14 at 20:21:31
Does it use relative paths? If it does, this is my new music player.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-11-14 at 21:04:34
The paths are set to wherever they are located on the hard drive, however!

I could implement this into my next version. The problem would be knowing what files are relative and what ones arn't. I could make it a menu option, (Add File, Add Relative File, Exit). It would be very easy to add into my program.

Although for the current program if you move your files, just load up the Library.xml file into notepad and use the replace all function and replace the old directory with the new directory. Would take a quick second to do. Heh, and to think my much earlier versions used the registry system! XML ftw.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Insane.oO on 2006-11-14 at 21:39:10
QUOTE(Cole @ Nov 14 2006, 07:54 PM)
How it holds music is like this:
When you add a file into a Virtual Folder it records where the file is located on the hard drive and stores it in Library.xml.
You can also select multiple virtual folders(for the library) at the same time by holding ctrl, and then double clicking on the virtual folder.

My next version will include some significant updates and well....the code is much more object oriented than ever(much easier to add in stuff for me).
Always feels great when someone appreciates your work smile.gif. Thanks! Pass it around to your friends.

I gave it to one of my friends who was looking for a music player that holds its own music like I was looking for and we were both satisfied once again good work on this I really like it
Report, edit, etc...Posted by brutetal on 2006-11-15 at 03:44:28
Wow, thats cool, good job.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-12-04 at 22:57:25
Ok heres my next version. Took a while because of all the code I had to rewrite and the fact that I took a break but I'd say it was worth it. It should be MUCH faster(not that the other version was slow).


-Adding songs has now changed from the file menu to the Virtual Folders tab. Just select a VirtualFolder(s), right click, and click Add Song on the menu that comes up.

-Relative Songs. I seen how much you guys wanted them. Just place a song in the programs directory/sub directory and add it there via "Add Relative File". You can then move the application and song anywhere and it should play perfect. The paths are relative to the programs directory. You can have both Relative and Normal songs in the program.

-Add entire folders of songs(also will add sub folders). You can add them as normal songs or relative songs. If you go with relative the folder must be the folder the program is in or a sub-directory of the folder.

-Easier Shuffle/Repeat GUI.

-Can reorganize songs via drag n drop.

-Volume is now a track bar(much easier).

-Is completely resizeable

-Cooler Progress Bar

-Everything should be more responsive.

-Fixed an error where Windows wouldn't shut down.....(lol sorry if anyone else experinced this.)

-The only thing in settings that works is the filter features and changing the background color. The rest is WIP and coming soon.
-Remember in order to add songs, you must have at least one Virtual Folder and have it selected when you do it.
-This version hasn't been debugged as well as my last version. Although the only error I'd think there would be involves saving the filters(idk though).



Ok, heres an updated version.
+Fixed songs not deleting from virtual folders.
+Volume resetting after a song completed.
+Changed GUI slightly
+Color/Font settings work(besides menu + they don't save yet)(Playing with the progress bar colors is fun).
+You can drag and drop songs from real folders(and probably other media players) directly into a virtual folder or the playlist.
+Improved play\next\previous code, fixing some errors.
+Fixed a spelling mistake.
+Lowered file size from 100kb to 92kb.
+Fixed Other bugs.

Download Update Here
Simply extract this file in the same place XMusic.exe is located to apply the update.
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