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Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Abnormally large File?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PyroDog on 2006-11-17 at 22:20:45
Mmmm k... So I'm working on this map that includes a lot of .wav files as sounds. I compress these files in the traditional manner so that starcraft can keep the file size real small. Alright. So I keep on making my map, never bothering to look at the file size. So I have 120 seconds of sound in the map, and so I take a look at my file size. I've made a previous map before that had 500 seconds worth of sound and was about 2 megs. This map, with 120 seconds worth of sound, was a whopping 6.2 megs.

The first thing I think to myself is, "No friggen way. I must've forgot to compress one of these sound files." So I go back and recompress ALL of them, as well as reimport them into xtra editor. I save, look at the file size, and it still remains as 6.2 megs. I start swearing incoherently, and then I decide to save the map as a different name so now I have the original map and another one that I titled, "Disembered."

Then I proceed to strip the map of EVERY SINGLE sound. All the .wav files, gone. I save, look at the file size, and it comes out to be...

5.8 megabytes.

That's impossible.

There's not a single sound file in that map. It CANNOT be that large.

WTF is going on here!?

[Edited to Add]: Oh yeah, so then I open the map up with stardraft instead of xtra. I save it. I look at the file size, and it drops down to 5.3 megs, which is a significant improvement, but still absolutely friggen rediculous. Please, I need some help on this.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Heimdal on 2006-11-17 at 22:41:24
Try opening the file with winMPQ and clicking the compress button. When you delete files out of the archive they are just removed from the hash table - you need an extra step to get them out of the file altogether. I'd be surprised if SE didn't do this for you, but this is the only explanation I can think of.

If that doesn't work, then create a blank map in SE and save it. Using winMPQ, copy the scenario.chk out of your map and into the blank one.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PyroDog on 2006-11-18 at 16:10:33
While what you're saying makes sense, the file sizes of even the music cannot possible be that large. I made a new map, imported all those songs, and the file size came out to be about 800 kilobytes. The map that I'm working on, with the same music REMOVED after being imported is 5.8 megs. It's just impossible :/

News update: I've opened the map with starforge, and, for some funky reason, it removed all the music and totally screwed up all my doodads. The good news is, it dropped my file size down to 70 kilobytes, so now all I have to do is reimport the music back into the map and redo all the doodads...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-18 at 16:14:36
It CAN be that large when there are 1000 unreferenced trash files in the map - a bad habit of .mpq files when you start deleting/readding files.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DooM77 on 2006-11-18 at 16:35:20
News update: I've opened the map with starforge, and, for some funky reason, it removed all the music and totally screwed up all my doodads. The good news is, it dropped my file size down to 70 kilobytes, so now all I have to do is reimport the music back into the map and redo all the doodads...

It can be a good argument against DEAD-like SCMd 'fanboys' that SF can be still useful in some situations xD xD.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-18 at 16:38:43
Actually I wonder why SCMD2 didn't pack it... If this is missing in SCMD2, SI really forgot something major...
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