I'm concerned about current means of map protection; a simple Google search for '"map unprotector" StarForge' turns up well over a hundred results, and the first two link to working map unprotectors that defeat every kind of map protection devised thus far, including the sort of protection offered by Uberation. I have heard rumors of and have seen fake versions of a certain map I made being distributed by others, claiming that I made it, but implementing features that I had no desire to add to the map (Not to mention that they cheesified the dialogue and butchered the spelling and grammar. Charming). The map was protected by StarForge, but it seems that they were able to bypass it fairly easily.
In my opinion, it is worse to change someone else's map and claim no responsibility for it than to outright plagiarize that work.
(Call me a newbie because of my post count?! I've been lurking here for ages, you know...)
If you're talking about your Phantom BGH map, on second thought, it doesnt matter what map it is, even if its Crescent Dyne. Screw protection, u got issues if u want respect online
Well, of course Uberation can easily be unprotected. The one that writes the protector obviously can write an unprotector for it.
SF protection is pretty old as well, and thus well-known,and unprotectable.
Well, ANY protection is removeable to a certain point; otherwise SC couldn't read the map.
The only chance of still having protection is to find new ways of protection that can't be unprotected yet. Maybe someone can name you a safe protector for the moment.
Anyways, I don't know how well known these unprotectors are, and how often maps get stolen...
The Answer to all your problems lies in these very words right now that I'm about to tell you that has been passed down from starcraft generations to moose.
Just post your "protected" or "unprotected map" on a lot of websites there people will know you and less chances of a map being destroyed.
Now since this topic doesnt belong here...
Is there a question? Otherwise I will move this to a discussion forum.
QUOTE(Koltz @ Nov 19 2006, 12:04 PM)
If you're talking about your Phantom BGH map, on second thought, it doesnt matter what map it is, even if its Crescent Dyne. Screw protection, u got issues if u want respect online
lol, trolling.
Is there a question? Otherwise I will move this to a discussion forum.
Yes. Are there any newer protectors that are more likely not to have a bypass made for them? If so, where could I find them?
The Answer to all your problems lies in these very words right now that I'm about to tell you that has been passed down from starcraft generations to moose.
Just post your "protected" or "unprotected map" on a lot of websites there people will know you and less chances of a map being destroyed.
The newest protector is
Uberation3, made by Legacy. The only unprotector that works on it is OSMAP, also made by Legacy.
QUOTE(Kenoli @ Nov 19 2006, 12:20 PM)
The newest protector is
Uberation3, made by Legacy. The only unprotector that works on it is OSMAP, also made by Legacy.
Irony at its finest. Are there any others? I'd be greatly obliged
I heard about some maps that OSMAP couldn't unprotect, but I don't know the method used, or if it still works.
Wasnt it Desert Bombers because I remember someone made a topic on that and he has osmap.
QUOTE(Kenoli @ Nov 19 2006, 12:32 PM)
I heard about some maps that OSMAP couldn't unprotect, but I don't know the method used, or if it still works.
I heard that if you put two start locations for the same player OS-MAP can't unprotect, it crashs.
And I don't know any map unprotector (but OS-MAP) that can unprotect maps protected with ProEdit.
Carlsagan43 claimed to have found several ways to protect maps OSMap-safe. One of them was no triggers in the map
Well, that one is fixed in OSMap, was just worth a "wow OSMap is crap"-thread
Well, really, OSMap is not "perfect".
calm down, only good h4x0rz will be able to unprotect your map, yea, not so much noobs have OSMAP. there is not way to 100% protect your map. you just can protect it from certain class of ppl, like riggers who add 9999999 minerals to red player.
OSMAP can be updated
to 1.6 from 1.5 if you find new ways to protect a map
And I don't know any map unprotector (but OS-MAP) that can unprotect maps protected with ProEdit.
ProEdit itself can unprotect ProEdit-protected maps.
True (what Owyn said) Unprotecting just takes longer if there is no uprotector available. And giving 9999999 minerals for some player can be done with really simple hex-editing.
Regrettably, owyn, the same kinds of noobs you're talking about are all over Zerogamers, as is OSMAP.
There are several ways I've only heard of. But none of the is public or easy to use.
Yea... Its like copyright infringement on a lower level. I almost know how Adobe feels... almost...
Its crazy, cause now I've been seeing like 20 different versions of maps that used to be protected, and the guys say, "Xtremed by _______" or "Enhanced by _______"
Its almost not worth protecting.
A form of protection would be to complicate the triggers in such a way as to make them hard to edit or add too. On top of that, stripping away the location names and trigger comments makes them more difficult to understand. If the map is of sufficient complexity, trying to find a particular trigger would be a nightmare.
You could also make anti-rigging triggers that, for example, end the game if a player gets too many units or resources. Such triggers would be well hidden among the other uncommended triggers, so the person trying to rig the map would have a hard time, to say the least.
While it is possible for someone to get around these sorts of things, it's unlikely that they will be willing to spend the time on it.
Yet rigging the strings is the simplest thing ever. Putting your name into a map is a piece of cake, there is absolutely no need for an unprotector; all you need is WinMPQ and a HexEditor. Give me a map and 5 minutes and it will say "spinesheath" all over...
Yet rigging the strings is the simplest thing ever. Putting your name into a map is a piece of cake, there is absolutely no need for an unprotector; all you need is WinMPQ and a HexEditor. Give me a map and 5 minutes and it will say "spinesheath" all over...
Not much we could do about that...
Except excommunicate you kekeke P:
A way to make your map unosmapable is to place 2 start locations for player 1 and than protect with uberation
QUOTE(Kenoli @ Nov 19 2006, 04:32 PM)
I heard about some maps that OSMAP couldn't unprotect, but I don't know the method used, or if it still works.
A friend of mine accidentally forgot to backup the map he protected (An Elemental Dragon RPG, which was just added to the DLDB), he downloaded OSMap to unprotect it (which is the only reason I or he would EVER use OSMap), and it didn't work.
To this day, he and I don't know how that happened.
You should send that map to Carlsagan43, he'd be happy, I bet