Okay I'm a newb at modding, and I'm trying to use TblPad but I'm having a lot of trouble and confusion.
I searched and read some of the FAQs but they didn't help much.
Here's the problem, or should I say confusion.
I've read the FAQ and opened the 'patch_rt.mpq' and extracted the tbl files but when I opened them in the editor they appeared to be in a differant language. I edited some of the strings and ran the .exe the strings I edited were working but it seems that the entire game has changed to a foreign language.
So I opened StarDat.mpq only to figure out that what the FAQ said was true, StarCraft didn't crash but the Brood War units came up with some bizzare names like
Alexi was named Peter
Duran was named Bozzik (or something)
and Infested Duran was like neutral00001
I opened some of the other MPQs but the problem persisted. Can someone please help me out?