Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Games -> GEARS OF WAR
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Eskimo Bob on 2006-11-20 at 14:49:20
Have you heard of GEARS OF WAR For Xbox360? I played it , only versus , and it owns! Theres a chainsaw on one of your guns. The graphics are the best, so glad it's for xbox 360, gameplay owns... Man check out the wiki. Here!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zycorax on 2006-11-20 at 14:58:32
Yeah, I've heard of it... One of my friends has been telling me all about it on the school bus (and it takes almost an hour to get to my school) so I'm pretty tired of listening to him. And now he got it so I better prepare myself for more tongue.gif

imo I don't think it look so great as everyone are saying (I have just watched some trailers, not played it yet though). I must admit that the graphic looks really nice...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-11-20 at 15:04:45

Sorry tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Eskimo Bob on 2006-11-20 at 17:33:45
Oops, I didnt know ^_^.

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