ok, im making a map and this is what i want to do. A player has 50 gas and has a templar. I move my defiler (chooser) to the becon that should summon a corsair for 50 gas, it subtracts the gas but it dosnt create the unit, do u know y this is happening? the location is centered on the unit already. o.O
Here is the trigger:
Bring(CurrentPlayer, AtLeast, 1, Chooser, Location);
Accumulate(CurrentPlayer, AtLeast, 50, Gas);
CreateUnit(1, Corsair (50), Location, CurrentPlayer);
SetResources(CurrentPlayer, Subtract, 50, Gas);
MoveUnit(All, Chooseer, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, Location);
um, you're using a corsair right, and not a corsair hero? cause the latter cannot be created via trigs.
crap i was using a corsair hero
damnit but it still dosnt work, the unit dosnt appear do u know y? it just dosnt appear
damnit but it still dosnt work, the unit dosnt appear do u know y? it just dosnt appear
damnit but it still dosnt work, the unit dosnt appear do u know y? it just dosnt appear