Is there an AI script/trigger to make a lurker burrow once spawned and cannot unburrow? Thanks.
just pick Create Units With Properties.
Under the Properties it will have burrow
and no i don't think there is a ai script for burrowing.
burrowed units automatically burrow after they have killed the unit they have attacked.
is there a way to stop unborrowign?
yes u can order it to another spot.
or kill it

How? can u do the triggers for me ;O
Trigger |
Description: |
Moving |
Players: |
¤ Player 1 |
Conditions: |
¤ Always |
Actions: |
¤ Issue order to "unit" at location "lurker" to move to destionation |
Condition Always
Action: Kill unit at location
Center location over unit, order patrol to location. Stops burrowing.
You can't really trigger a burrow explicitely. At least, not in any way I know of (or remember).
Computer AI with Burrow researched and having -any- sort of melee/campaign AI running will burrow Zerglings, Hydralisks, and Defilers where they are as long as there is no enemy around. Unsure about the state of Drones, Infested Terran, and Lurkers.
I know Lurkers will burrow if attacked by an enemy ground troop, regardless of an AI script. Lurkers will unburrow and chase the enemy troop for a set distance if the troop leaves attack range. A person can easily bait and kill lurkers with a bit of micromanagement.
Hero Zerg units will -never- burrow or unburrow (depending on their initial state) when owned by a computer player.
Switching ownership of a non-hero Zerg unit between Human and Computer players quickly usually results in the computer player unburrowing the little beast.
These are things I have witnessed through testing of maps. Keep in mind these are from older versions (1.00-1.09) of the game and I am unsure if the AI has been improved/changed through the latest patches. Also, when dealing with computer AI, it tends to be fickle. I've seen cases of Lurkers refusing to unburrow, regardless of baiting attempts.