Hey, how do you create hallys with modified hp, when u have 1 real unit that is the same as the hally? so if i do modify unit hp to 1%, it may change the real unit down to 1 hp
First of all.. Wat is a Hally?
Second, please restate the question, as i bearly understand you.
Ah, Hallucinations. That took me a while to get, I thought you were talking about hallways, lol.
If you create the hallucinations by trigger, you could make them in a different area than the hero, modify the unit hp, and then teleport them to the hero.
If they are made just by using the spell... there would be ways, but they would most likely either be a pain in the butt to do or interfere with the game.
Hally = Hallucination. In reference to the hallucinations, I believe that you can't modify their hp with triggers. Someone confirm this please?
ill try it
They won't be selected if you do "modify health for terran marine." I thought if you did modify health for "any unit" it would change it, though.
I always thought it didn't work for hallucinations no matter what you did.
lol, Hallucination didnt really come to my mind when i read "hally"
(ive been away from starcraft too long)
so how would the trigger b, it dosnt work when i tried it explain
Well based on what I think you can't do what you're trying to do. I'm not 100% that I'm right, but I'm like 95%.
ugg this is really really confusing.
Basically if I'm right then you can't do what you wanted to.
Oh wow. Good to know . Hehe, everyone is wrong every once in a while. hey, so if you can change the hally's hp and can u edit its energy 2? so then ud be able to make it so it never dies unless killed?
That one I know you can't do, there's a thread about it that dabigchin just made and Kenoli answered and locked.
not sure but don't hallucinations and broodlings die when they get to 0% energy? set them to always have 100% energy. I'm not sure if you know or not, but hallucinations do 0 dmg... and don't have spells, and will die to spells instantly.
Thing is Hallucination you can't make live forever using triggers. In plenty of maps I have seen Broodlings live forever via triggers.
I hardly ever use hallucinations so i wasn't sure if setting their energy to 100% would keep them alive, but i know they get owned by spells instantly.
They're energy would just run out again. I'm not sure though what'd happen if you set it to preserve that it's Energy is set to 100% all the time. I shall go try it.
QUOTE(Velendesril @ Nov 26 2006, 06:26 AM)
They're energy would just run out again. I'm not sure though what'd happen if you set it to preserve that it's Energy is set to 100% all the time. I shall go try it.
I actually ment preserve it... hense the "always have 100%".
Mmmk. Triggers won't help the Hallucinations. Observe.
As far as I know, you can't preserve it for Hallucinations.
QUOTE(Velendesril @ Nov 26 2006, 06:35 AM)
Mmmk. Triggers won't help the Hallucinations. Observe.
As far as I know, you can't preserve it for Hallucinations.
try, always set all units energy to 100%, hallucinations are a little weird when it comes to conditions and actions but i don't think they are completely exempt from them depending how you do it.
QUOTE(Shocko @ Nov 26 2006, 02:36 PM)
try, always set all units energy to 100%, hallucinations are a little weird when it comes to conditions and actions but i don't think they are completely exempt from them depending how you do it.
That's actually what trigger I used. I set the Condition to Always, and I did make the Action Preserve Trigger too. Therefor I'd say as far as I know it's impossible.
im not going to say it's impossible yet, because there probably is something i said wrong or you did wrong and somebody will come and correct it soon enough. I think it is possible but im not saying it's not impossible ( if you understand that