Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Healing A Unit.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AIIiance on 2006-11-27 at 15:02:34
For my Hero map, is there anything I can do for my spells (Cure, Cura, Curaga)
so that It doesn't Heal a unit to a %. Cause If he has like 1000hp, and he uses Cure which heals 10%, he'll be down 100hp.... and I dont want it to set, I want it to add. But there's not option for that. Is there a way!?!?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-11-27 at 15:13:05
Virtual Hp is like the only answer i can think of, or figuring out how fast a medic heals and then moving a medic there for x seconds to heal the unit.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AIIiance on 2006-11-27 at 15:17:17
Well, your medic idea is an auto no. Cause I already have medics set as Hero Helpers. And when Units have 1000-5000 Hp. A Medic is slow. But I'll look into Virtual HP. don't think it's gonna work tho ?

PS: If anyone has the answer WITH trigger please post.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-27 at 15:22:10
If you have no virtual HP system right from the start, and medics are too slow, your last choice would be EUD actions, and those are disabled.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheatEnabled on 2006-11-27 at 15:23:38
Of course VHP will work. It works anywhere you can use normal Hitpoints. It just means a bit more triggering, and I really hope that noone on fears more triggering.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-27 at 15:28:44
It basically requires redoing the whole battle system, actually.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheatEnabled on 2006-11-27 at 15:30:58
Yeah, but the battle system in a hero arena map isn't very big ( usually).
Making the map vHP will also add another dimension into the spell system.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Heimdal on 2006-11-27 at 15:52:32
EUD actions aren't the only can use EUD conditions and then perform different actions based on the current hit points. This would be a royal pain in the ass though. VHP seems to be the way to go.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AIIiance on 2006-11-27 at 16:41:17
I can't find the "Set Virtual Hp"Trigger in X-Tra Editor! Anyone help?? crazy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-11-27 at 16:49:11

If you're not much of a fan of any of those virtual hp methods and just want to use normal health, you'll have to just figure out another way of healing. Which is what I would recommend.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AIIiance on 2006-11-27 at 17:36:44
Well I'm using a couple methods already but I'm making a really big map that uses all of em.

I have about 25 Spells written down and about 11 that work.. And really want to learn Virtual HP, it's essential in the map im making. If anyone is very familiar with it and can at least explain what I wanna do -How To Do It- It would be GREATLY apreciated.

Even look. If someone can help. Write down the VHP Formula. Ill addy your name to Special thanks. As I cannot go without VHP In my map. I don't care if I have to change all the system. I'm fine with that. Thanks helpsmilie.gif ranting.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-11-27 at 19:47:30
QUOTE(AIIiance @ Nov 27 2006, 02:36 PM)
Well I'm using a couple methods already but I'm making a really big map that uses all of em.

I have about 25 Spells written down and about 11 that work.. And really want to learn Virtual HP, it's essential in the map im making. If anyone is very familiar with it and can at least explain what I wanna do -How To Do It- It would be GREATLY apreciated.

Even look. If someone can help. Write down the VHP Formula. Ill addy your name to Special thanks. As I cannot go without VHP In my map. I don't care if I have to change all the system. I'm fine with that. Thanks helpsmilie.gif  ranting.gif

If you're on USEast, find me ( Shocko[xM] ) i'll be in Clan xM most likely, and i can help you to some extent, and then i will just get lethal to brush up what i missed.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AIIiance on 2006-11-27 at 21:54:57
QUOTE(Shocko @ Nov 27 2006, 07:47 PM)
If you're on USEast, find me ( Shocko[xM] ) i'll be in Clan xM most likely, and i can help you to some extent, and then i will just get lethal to brush up what i missed.

Umm that'd be fun but for some dumb reason my cd key got muted and it's not from the net. I'm gonna have to buy another... It's like my 4th Starcraft that I'm gonna buy... geez.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zeratul_101 on 2006-11-27 at 22:12:19
basically, you keep a burrowed unit underneath your main unit(which is invincible). so, instead of attacking your main unit, enemies will attack the burrowed unit(and kill it). After the unit is killed, its death will be added to its death count, at which point the triggers can virtually recognize that your main unit has been 'hit' and use set DC to virtually track and modify the players health. this same DC info can be used to display your choice of output.

i think i got everything... if need be, i'll put up my incomplete VHP tutorial.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord-Omega on 2006-11-28 at 10:52:01
i dought this will work but you could try it (again: will most likely not work)

go into x0tra, do a trigger with your condition that would do the healing, then, undo the condtion so its not constant, then do set health to 10%, preserve trigger, then go into SCMDraft or Star Forge, get into their trigger editor and change "set" to "add" but i seriously dought this will work, if not try doing this.

when person sets the healing condtion off, make it so switches are randomized and then he gets random heal, or random hurt.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-28 at 11:44:58
QUOTE(Lord-Omega @ Nov 28 2006, 11:52 AM)
i dought this will work but you could try it (again: will most likely not work)

go into x0tra, do a trigger with your condition that would do the healing, then, undo the condtion so its not constant, then do set health to 10%, preserve trigger, then go into SCMDraft or Star Forge, get into their trigger editor and change "set" to "add" but i seriously dought this will work, if not try doing this.

That's VERY unlikey wallbash.gif

Not that SCMD2 or SF would allow you to change "set" into "add" in this action. And even if they allowed it, it had no effect.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Heimdal on 2006-11-28 at 12:59:56
There's no "set" parameter in that action.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-28 at 13:21:37
Actually I could set the value that is normally used for set/add/subtract to whatever I want. But SC wouldn't care about that or maybe even crash. Never tried it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AIIiance on 2006-11-28 at 15:40:27
I'm going to see IF it works. Changing the action to add, MIGHT work since Draft is not just triggers composed, it's also made of scripts etc.... (Like any other)
But what I'm trying to say is that IF it doesn't work, i'ts obviously gonna crash. It won't just ignore it since it's still trying to read the trigger. Right? But i'm off to try it. w00t.gif Thansks for the info.

I tried change the trigger from set, to add. But can't. Here's what it looks like"


Trigger("All players"){
Bring("Current Player", "Terran Civilian", "Cure Cura Curaga", At least, 1);

Kill Unit At Location("Current Player", "Terran Civilian", 1, "Cure Cura Curaga");

Modify Unit Hit Points("Current Player", "Any unit", 10, 1, "Anywhere");
Preserve Trigger();


I can't change set to add since there is no such action/word. It's not like the set score that you can actually change the trigger manually. But even in SCM, you can't. ranting.gif mad.gif So hard to all this just for a stupid heal trigger.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-28 at 15:43:36
crybaby.gif wallbash.gif

It DOES NOT work. No need to try...
And you probably have no idea what you were talking about with these "scripts"...

A trigger is just a collection of numbers. Starcraft reads the number that indicates the action type, and based on that it reads some more numbers. Since this action is "Modify Unit HP", it only reads the stuff that you can choose in Staredit (and in SCMD2 and SF just as well). It probably does not care about that number that indicates if it's add/subtract/set in actions like setResources.
Thus it probably does NOT work and NOT crash. Why should SC care about values that have no importance...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AIIiance on 2006-11-28 at 15:56:51
Well that's really what I was trying toe xplain I don't why I said Scripts but ya.. I know what you mean. This is off topic but what I think is StarCraft doesn't know At 1st what it is. So it reads it anyways. Right? Since its not add and in the original SE it's Modify. It tries to read/run it but can't so it crashes (But I was hoping it could read it). It's just what I think. Not what it actually might do, so don't come here and scream at me cause I'm wrong.


Spinesheath is right. It doesn't work.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-28 at 16:09:03
Nothing hinders you from grabbing a hexeditor and setting that value. Well, maybe you'd have to do some research about .chk at first wink.gif
I say that SC does not read that value. Why should it?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AIIiance on 2006-11-28 at 17:22:19
Well I'm not saying it should. I'm more saying it has to before knowing it doesn't do anything. Example.. It's stupid but put it this way.

It's like reading a book. You don't know what does or what it's about until you read it. OR* You don't what i'll be writing until you read it even if's useless. Right?

And don't if that's the question you asked but if it is... That's what I THINK.

And about hexeditor. It'd take a long time todo that. And just learn how crazy.gif

Then I'd have to do it crazy.gif disgust.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord-Omega on 2006-11-29 at 12:05:52
actually, if it did have a set health and you changed it to add(IF it had set) it would work because SC has certain words that it reconizes for doing things and ass and set and subtract are all part of them so SC would reconize it and actually do it. but yea, since its modify and not set you cant do anything, i messed around with that for like a hour yesterday and didnt get anything to work, so i'd just go with have it a random heal/hurt thing makes it more challaging anyways
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spinesheath on 2006-11-29 at 12:16:58
QUOTE(Lord-Omega @ Nov 29 2006, 01:05 PM)
actually, if it did have a set health and you changed it to add(IF it had set) it would work because SC has certain words that it reconizes for doing things and ass and set and subtract are all part of them so SC would reconize it and actually do it. but yea, since its modify and not set you cant do anything, i messed around with that for like a hour yesterday and didnt get anything to work, so i'd just go with have it a random heal/hurt thing makes it more challaging anyways


D'uh! NO!
It WOULD NOT work. Damnit.

And no, SC does NOT recognize "certain words" pinch.gif
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