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Staredit Network -> Computers and Technical -> Site/program help
Report, edit, etc...Posted by S)T-Twitch6000 on 2006-12-01 at 23:32:33
well one i need a good suggestion of site hosts that are free and ezy to use and second can someone tell me a program that can make a starcraft bot or a game thanks smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by synd][cate on 2006-12-02 at 04:27:27
Next you'll be asking for someone to teach you how to hack. You can't run before you can walk.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Insane.oO on 2006-12-03 at 17:12:22
QUOTE(S)T-Twitch6000 @ Dec 1 2006, 11:32 PM)
can someone tell me a program that can make a starcraft bot or a game thanks smile.gif

You can make programs in a varity of differnt things but there isnt a site that does it for you you gotta learn how to do it yourself
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-12-03 at 17:17:04
As for the site, offers an easy to use web builder tool if you know HTML. If you don't, your stuck with a craptacular template.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-12-03 at 17:48:21
well one i need a good suggestion of site hosts that are free and ezy to use

-Any webhost that has FTP
-You Know HTML

The best free ones are ones that personally look over applications or have forum posting required. There are some nice ones that don't have either though.

To make real good websites you should know PHP or ASP(Webhost needs to support them to and MYSQL is another thing you should know how to utilize and webhost should support). Javascript is more for spiffy effects. You could always go the flash route but thats the last thing I would recommend for anyone. To much bandwidth and users don't wanna wait for a flash file to load.
someone tell me a program that can make a starcraft bot or a game thanks

You gotta learn a lot. You have to learn a programming language(Such as Visual Basic, C++, C, C#, C++.NET, VB.NET, Delphi, or maybe Java).
You'll need an editor like Visual Studio 2005 in order to code this.

Then you have to learn how to communicate with and know how to program your GUI. It isn't a single day thing...

I'd say a half-way decent program would take around a 1/2 month of dedicated coding. Thats for a bot and knowing the programming langugae. Without knowing the programming language i'd say at least spend several months working on other applications so you really understand the programming language.

For a game? Ok now you have A LOT to learn. Take a few months to learn the programming language inside and out, learn Open GL or DirectDraw/D3D. You know what I wouldn't even suggest you learn a real programming language on less you are absolutely sure you know what your getting yourself into.

I would suggest going over to and just using that program. Use the GUI to create basic 2d games and then move onto using the scripting language to create more advanced 2d applications. Maybe even move onto the incredibly slow 3d stuff.

If you do know not HTML then err... Most people who want to program start off with HTML then move onto JavaScript/PHP and then onto a real programming langauge from C to Java. I don't know anyone who just jumped into C++ without having done any scripting/programming language before it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Centreri on 2006-12-03 at 18:11:24 for free hosting. None.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by S)T-Twitch6000 on 2006-12-03 at 18:30:39
hey people its not that i am a noob its just i have been working on learning new stuff such as coding and all and on the starcraft bot thing i heard there was a site that gives u a basic thing.My main point was i need like a basic program that can help u make a site or program but helps u along the way so now that i have told u that now help lol.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2006-12-03 at 18:41:50
QUOTE(S)T-Twitch6000 @ Dec 3 2006, 06:30 PM)
hey people its not that i am a noob its just i have been working on learning new stuff such as coding and all and on the starcraft bot thing i heard there was a site that gives u a basic thing.My main point was i need like a basic program that can help u make a site or program but helps u along the way so now that i have told u that now help lol.

For starters, stop typing like that. Grammar is your' friend, people will take you more seriously.

Secondly, WYSIWYG editors are overrated, use notepad to make websites. Thirdly, there are no good programming visual editors. You have to figure things out yourself.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-12-03 at 20:04:23
hey people its not that i am a noob its just i have been working on learning new stuff such as coding and all and on the starcraft bot thing i heard there was a site that gives u a basic thing.

What programming language have you been working on?
Some other language I haven't mentioned?

I am unable to help you on less I know what language your working with.

i heard there was a site that gives u a basic thing.My main point was i need like a basic program that can help u make a site

go to click on HTML and learn how to do it by hand. HTML is an increidbly simple scripting language. As said by Syphon, WYIWYG editors are for those who can't program. They are a much more limited system.

program but helps u along the way so now that i have told u that now help lol.

Get an IDE and a Compiler for your programming language. If you would like me to recommend one please tell me what language you are using.
For C++ and C# I use VS2005. For scripting languages(Html, Php, Javascript) I use notepad.

Theres also the question of why. Why make a bot? It will have to be constantly updated with changes(I don't mean patches either). Stealthbot recently had a problem with that. checks all your files using a use to check the it checks in memory. You will need an actual copy of the game in memory in order to get onto What do you really need it for? To make something even on par with Stealthbot would require some talent, especially the plugins part. I know I made my music program because I was unsatisified with how music was organized in Winamp, Itunes, and WMP. Considering playing MP3 files is built into a dll on Windows it wasn't that hard and it really improved my skills.

btw my C# music program just hit 4,300+ lines of code!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by S)T-Twitch6000 on 2006-12-03 at 21:47:02
QUOTE(Cole @ Dec 3 2006, 08:04 PM)
What programming language have you been working on?

well i have been starting with the most basic stuff just basic then i relizied that crap is truly just basic but now i am trying out c++ but thx for getting somewhere on my main question now if u can help me out maybe ill get to qqorking on whatever i need working on smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-12-03 at 22:31:38
Ok what IDE are you currently using?
C++ is a bit tough. I love it though.

Anyway the reason I chose C# over C++ was for GUI purposes. I could not find a decent GUI(aka Resource) editor I liked. With resource editors and C++ your own your own there. The IDE & compiler I'd recommend? Visual C++ 2005 Express(it's free at

Now are you going through I have no idea how to communicate, especially with C++. I don't think the actual documentation is out there. However if you do happen to find will need to have storm.dll, thegame.exe(starcraft.exe, diablo2.exe, etc..), and battle.snp IN MEMORY. Either Starcraft\Wc3\Wc2\etc... will therefor actually have to be RUNNING. When you connect to you have to download a small dll. This dll will run an algorthim and generate a checksum based on these files and report it back to for verification.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by S)T-Twitch6000 on 2006-12-03 at 22:55:09
ok that makes sense but here is a total off topic ? what program would be good for like making map editor i have looked and looked and looked again for a good program that made since so maybe a little helpsmilie.gif thx
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-12-03 at 23:21:31
ok that makes sense but here is a total off topic ? what program would be good for like making map editor i have looked and looked and looked again for a good program that made since so maybe a littleĀ  thx

Making a map editor will require knowledge of some programming/really good scripting language. There is no program to just "do it".

I've started a map editor in C#. I don't work on it to much anymore.Would load just about every map, buffer each section of the CHK, would read all the unit settings into my GUI to be edited by the user. My music editor just has taken my interest for now.

In order to make a map editor I heavily suggest being able to hex edit maps. You will need to use some mpqapi like sfmpqapi, stormlib, or storm.dll and lmpqapi. Either one of those or writing your own(which isn't at all easy in fact pretty hard). You will have to learn how to work with these in order to open MPQ archives and extracting the scenario.chk into memory with your program. Once you've done this you will have to take it apart section by section and then read the correct values into your GUI setup.
It took me about 3/4 big tries in order to be good enough to work with one these API's. I simply couldn't do it and it was to advanced for me up until mid June of 2006. I had probably started a year before that and came back to it several times. I simply was to inexperienced and didn't know enough about C++ or MPQ's. Now i'm working with the HL2 API and modding it.

What did I learn?

DO NOT SET YOUR GOALS TO SOMETHING HIGH WHEN GETTING INTO A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. A map editor is pretty high. First you really have to pick a programming language. If your going with C++ then stick with it and learn how to work with it. Spend a few months just pushing your skills and making them better. Then attempt something like a map editor. Know the ins and the outs of a programming language. Be able to give advice to people and know how to debug errors very well. Code smaller things and work your way up to more complex things. Make programs and master individual things that you will need for you editor.

On my music first code set was horrible compard to now. I can't imagine how my code looked before attempting this project. I've redone my code from scratch so it's much better and easier to build ontop of. God I love Object Oriented Code.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by S)T-Twitch6000 on 2006-12-03 at 23:38:49
ok i can see what u mean there to i figuered a map editor wasnt as ezy as 1 2 3 but i didnt think it was as hard u u r saying but maybe here is a ? or a simpler way of puuting something i have decied now with all that i have read from u and everyone else what program maker is ezy to use but not to basic?Cause i admit c++ isnt to ezy lol so i have decied to maybe change programs so some suggestions? ermm.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2006-12-03 at 23:56:33
i have decied now with all that i have read from u and everyone else what program maker is ezy to use but not to basic?Cause i admit c++ isnt to ezy lol so i have decied to maybe change programs so some suggestions?

I started programming at a very young age. 6th grade. I started working with Basic. Although I never went far with it and never accomplished much at all.... I quick went into HTML instead. Basic -> HTML -> Javascript -> PHP -> PHP+MySQL -> C++ -> C#. Thats how I went.

For starting off I would suggest Visual Basic. It is an easy language and can accomplish a decent amount. Although I really don't like the syntax of Visual Basic. I've grown to love C style syntax

C++ is hard but I definently recommend learning it sometime. That and a managed language. Managed languages(Especially C#) are the future and are only going to get faster. They have the potential to be faster than Native Code. Currently C# is slower in some aspects and faster in others but a lot of the speed is similar to C++. As .NET Progresses you will see the speed going beyond native languages like C++. However C++ will always be used.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by S)T-Twitch6000 on 2006-12-04 at 14:55:33
QUOTE(Cole @ Dec 3 2006, 11:56 PM)
I started programming at a very young age. 6th grade. I started working with Basic. Although I never went far with it and never accomplished much at all.... I quick went into HTML instead. Basic -> HTML -> Javascript -> PHP -> PHP+MySQL -> C++ -> C#. Thats how I went.
For starting off I would suggest Visual Basic. It is an easy language and can accomplish a decent amount. Although I really don't like the syntax of Visual Basic. I've grown to love C style syntax

C++ is hard but I definently recommend learning it sometime. That and a managed language. Managed languages(Especially C#) are the future and are only going to get faster. They have the potential to be faster than Native Code. Currently C# is slower in some aspects and faster in others but a lot of the speed is similar to C++. As .NET Progresses you will see the speed going beyond native languages like C++. However C++ will always be used.

ok thats something to think on thanks and i have tried a few ways of stuff so now i will try a few programs and find one i like so i will let this topic stay for other ppl in need now unless admin closes happy.gif
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