QUOTE(TRiGGaMaSTa @ Dec 11 2006, 08:55 AM)
Can you get some screenshots up please?
Yes, yes I'll try. It's just like with Btain Bread, I always forget about taking SS while testing.
QUOTE(Zell.Dincht @ Dec 12 2006, 07:18 AM)
This seems very interesting, if you still have room for the testers please add me. Also if you can make the combo system excellent then this map would be fantastic.
Sure you're in but I need your AIM/MSN. The combo system is done. I don't know what do you mean by fantastic, but you're free to suggest.
QUOTE(Schtauffen @ Dec 12 2006, 08:53 AM)
What is the best time to catch you on East? (I'm central time)
I'm European, GMT+2. Central is GMT-6, that mean we have an 8 hour difference. I could be testing any day time, 1pm-2+am. That mean I could catch you on weekend mornings(your time). Just be on AIM/MSN at that time.
QUOTE(Psychic_Genius @ Dec 12 2006, 09:43 AM)
wow, this map looks incredible, i would like to be a tester. psychic_genius@hotmail.com is my msn and Psychic Geniuz my aim
Great. Your in. Whats your USEast account?
I'm glad that people still have fate in classic defense maps.