My ReportAlrite so between about 1:30 PM and 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, several events took place.
• Major Disagreement between myself and Alendar, Mq3, and Bloodmoon.
• Access reduced for Alendar and Mq3 (To exactly 40 from 60)
• Access removed for Alendar and Mq3 (To exactly 0 from 40)
• Bloodmoon finnally removes his unopped bots and allows only one in the channel
• Alendar and Mq3 banned from Clan Chef for extreme reasons
• Myself was banned from Clan Chuf for what they called "Payback"
The basic dispute was over me upholding the rules setforth by Clan Chef. They clearly reitterated all of the rules to themselves and yet constantly continued. They were aware of my position, my defensive rulings, my lieniances torwards punishments, and other operations which proceded during this dispute.
I am trying to screenshot every tiny piece of the dispute to proove, dispite their current hostilities torwards me, and them banning me from clan Chuf after I banned both of them for a plethera of legitiment extreme disobedience, flamming, spamming, flooding, nasty langueage to fellow clan members like S)T-Twitch6000 the most, and many other reasons which I will address If needbe.
Here is the first set of 5 screenshots I have taken, which is the beginning of the ordeal. I will take S)T-Twitch6000 as my strong witness to this bullcrap which spiraled out of control!
Many more will come if I need more proof other than bot logs from Chickenz and Bagel or S)T-Twitch6000.
My demands are of the following:
• Alendar & Mq3 be demoted, banned from the clan, or otherwise punished for this riot-like behavior and extreme hate and disfunctionabillity in the channel.