From what I can tell, MySpace is a way to set up a personal page designed to:
1. Be very easy to use.
2. Have lots to do with popular culture.
3. Allow you to meet lots of new people.
The result is that:
1. It is not very customizable and takes forever to load and scroll.
2. It is totally boring and populated by totally boring people who post totally boring music (such as gangsta rap) and totally boring movies (such as low-quality ones of the page user when he got drunk during last weekend's party with his totally boring friends) which start playing as soon as the page loads, and often before that.
3. It allows you to meet lots of totally boring people.
All this is why I don't have one, never have had one and never intend to have one. Instead, I use
GeoCities for
my personal page. 15 megabytes of pretty much whatever the hell I want (so long as it doesn't violate the Yahoo rules), for free, and with no annoying music and slow scrolling.