OMG Coyotes are in my apartment!
The woods in my apartment has coyotes..
Last Night, there was a howl of coyotes followed by endless woofs from dogs.
Someone claimed to see them at the golf place thingy.
So this is lite discussion?
Do you mean the woods by your apartment complex has wolves? Seems pretty normal to me. It's a thing called wildlife.
What are you actually talking about? Be clearer. I doubt that there are coyotes in your apartment or that your apartment has woods in it. What do you mean?
Or maybe he means Mexican Coyotes (Yes, the ones that help inmigrants find their way through the desert
Anyways if you have real life coyotes in your apartment call animal control or kill them with a knife. I'd pick the scond one
Yeah try to kill a coyote with a knife, Good luck with that. step one: buy a gun. step two: shoot it(s)