What's the trigger for when you shoot it makes plays a wav?
um well if its a 1 hit kill game then you could do it, but if its multiple hits per kill than its impossible what map did you see this in?
I saw it in Shadow Experiment.
it looks cool so i thought i would add it in my map.
doesn't that have one-hit kill units? in that case, refer to the post above yours
theres three possible ways i can think of.
1. You use a firing system, for example dark swarm firing system, and whever the actions fire the wav goes with it.
2. You use vHP with 1 hit kill burrowed unit, so whenever your conditions detect that the unit died you make a wav sound, this will detect the attack. This is probably the best way.
Player 2 brings exactly 0 drone to "vHP spawn"
Play Wav "fire" for Player 1
XoptionalX: Create 1 burrowed drone at "vHP spawn" for Player 1
Preserve Trigger
Player 1 kill score exactly 1 for drone
Play Wav "fire" for player 1
set Player 1 kill score to 0
XoptionalX: Create 1 burrowed drone at "vHP spawn" for player 1
preserve trigger
3. Use EUD's which are nearly impossible now
ok for a 1hit kill thing,
players kill SCORE is atleast1
Play wav
Set kill SCORE to 0
-=note=- if you want ammo like minerals and gas for bullets and clips, add a if minerals is atleast 1(in conditions) and then add in actions set minerals -1
and then do a trigger,
if player has atleast 1 gas and 0 minerals
subtract 1 gas
add 12 minerals or w/e