Hey everyone, I need help on making a wraith stay put in a 1x1 location or if that doesn't work a 2x2 location. Anywho.. I dont want to disable it but just make it stay exactly there even if I try to move it. At the moment I am using the "move unit" trigger with preserve trigger but if you click hard enuff you can break loose.
P.S. I am using 2 locations: one 1x1 where the wraith is at and another big one surronding the 1x1 location to move the wraith back to the 1x1 location.
Make sure you are moving from anywhere to 1x1 and not from 1x1 to 1x1. That way they would be moved back regardless of their position. If you cant use anywhere then you might want to consider using a larger location around it (like from 3x3 to 1x1).
Create a 2x2 location, as a wraith will not completely fit in 1x1, and then use the teleport trigger, along with hyper triggers to have it constantly teleporting there.
"Teleport Wraith to location X"
"Preserve trigger"
"Wait for 0 milliseconds"
"Preserve trigger"
Your triggers are perfectly fine, but with some Hyper Triggers it should make it work okay with what you've got.
Though I would take the suggestion of at least making it a 2x2 location, for added security. Always try to cover the unit that you want completely with a location is what I say.
The "Order to move" trigger is easy to get past if you just click fast enough, like in bounds; bounds have hyper triggers
I recommend doing the teleport unit just for added security. Also if you want to make a ground unit unable to move, have it constantly move to a location placed over water or some other area that ground units cannot walk on
Its "Move Unit" not teleport.
It's the same thing, as it has the {Teleport} in it's trigger name in SCXE, and that's what it USED to be called.
I've never seen it called teleport and I've been making maps since day one. It's Move Unit, unless someone feels like changing it to teleport.
You don't need a 1x1 location, really.. just put a 3x3 location there and Move Unit to itself, preserve trigger, with hyper triggers. Moving it to a 1x1 enclosed in the 3x3 would do exatly the same thing.
It's always been move unit (in the original Starcraft campaign editor), scxe decided it wanted to be original
and changed to teleport.
Just continually, through hypers move it to a location over an aerial building. That will completely prevent it from moving.
Just use hyper triggers and "teleport" it to the location it's at.. you'll be able to make the air unit look different ways, but you'll have to manually fire it (right-clicking).
That's how you create dropship systems... same principal, constantly TELEPORT or MOVE unit to a location...