How do you change the colour of the text in the "forces"(teams)? ive tried <3> And stuff but it wont work. Is it different? If so, can someone post how to do it?
It no longer works in 1.14.
Actually it does, but the codes are known solely to a few select people... and they are not releasing how to do it.
Unless you're going to leak the codes, that's not really helping anything.
Actually it does, but the codes are known solely to a few select people... and they are not releasing how to do it.
That's why no one is playing starcraft, due to these SELECTIVE few people...

Why would anyone such a staple kind of code like that. That's like barracks without firebats!
How is this a community if everyone wants to run a monopoly of information for themselves.
You know that there's also a cheat code that allows players to use a fourth race! And only four people in the world know it!
But they were disabled in 1.14
Yes, to make a long story short, it's impossible.