I was wondering how I'd go about making an anti-camping trig for one of my maps. Anyone got any ideas? Because I don't.
Well then, a classic way for this to work is to kill anyone who isn't supposed to be there by using a location. If there are people who need to go there for something, then maybe set a timer using death counts, so that they can go in, and go out with enough time to do whatever they need to do. If they don't then they die.
Alternatively, if you are using locations for every unit, you can order all units if they are in the camping location to move back to their respective location, or you can just move them there, and they will come to a dead stop.
It depends on the map. If it's just one of those noob madnesses where there are cannons in the back, anti-camping triggers aren't necessarily required..
If it's one of those OTHER noob madnesses where there are no spawn buildings, just set it so that when the player who spawns has 0 units at a location, all enemy units are moved to the middle or whatever.
use switches, have it
trig 1:
set a switch when a player brings a number of units to location, then wait for a period of time, and set a different switch, then wait more and clear both.
trig 2: clear the first switch when the player commands least at location( if it is a madness/ penguin wars type map)
Trig 3 if both switches are set, kill all units for player at location, and clear both switches.
You really only need to have a trigger that checks if the unit stays there for X amount of time, using a countdown timer, or a death counter, or even just place an invincible nonmobile unit that just sits there and constantly kills them preventing camping (noob way)
Do a death counter.
Trigger 1
Player brings at least 1 men to spawn location.
Add 1 death of vespene tank
Trigger 2
Current player suffers at least xxx deaths of vespene tank
kill all men at spawn location
set deaths of vespene tank to 0
Trigger 3
Player brings at most 0 men to spawn location
Current player suffers at least 1 death of vespene tank
set deaths of vespene tank to 0
The first trigger starts the countdown, the second trigger kills the units and resets the counter, and the third trigger cuts the counter when they're not camping.
The spawn location, by the way, is the location where one of the players units spawns. You might want a different counter and set of triggers for each player you can attack, and remember to use units that can't die or you aren't going to be using at all.
But camping isn't bringing a lot of units somewhere, it is bringing a lot of units somewhere and leaving them there.
QUOTE(SleepiB @ Dec 20 2006, 07:50 PM)
But camping isn't bringing a lot of units somewhere, it is bringing a lot of units somewhere and leaving them there.
I know, the 'spawn location' is the location where another player's units are created. That way, it prevents players from camping at an enemy's spawn, at least, for stretches of time.
You guys are making things too complicated. The way that I said is probably the simplest (and non-noobish) way to solve it.. and that's that.
what i usally do is
player brings one unit to location to w/e
wait 10000 milsec
kill all units at location
Hmm... Or if you are having wait blocks then you can have a few triggers that start the count of waits while a unit is there, and if there are no units there it sets the death counter back to 0, then if it reaches lets say 5, it moves the unit away from the spot, if you told us what kind of map your thinking of it could be much easier for us to explain.
QUOTE(ShizTheresABear @ Dec 20 2006, 10:15 PM)
You guys are making things too complicated. The way that I said is probably the simplest (and non-noobish) way to solve it.. and that's that.
Most madnesses have a "base" you have to kill to win. If you can't get near the base, how can you win? Maybe he's not talking about a newb madness.
@ToFu: That method won't work. I could bring a unit to a location and start the trigger, then leave, and come back 9 seconds later and die even though I wasn't camping.
Grand_Dracolich's way seems like the only one that will work without any bugs.
the way id do it is like so.
'Ant-Camp1'(and 1 of these for each anticamp area)
'Move campers'
Trigger |
Description: |
Trig1 |
Players: |
¤ Enemy Player(player not to camping) |
Conditions: |
¤ Player brings at least 1 anyunit to anti-camp1
¤ switch 1 is cleared |
Actions: |
¤ set switch 1
¤ preaserve trigger |
Trigger |
Description: |
Trig2-a |
Players: |
¤ same player as other 1 |
Conditions: |
¤ switch 1 is set
¤ player brings at least 1 any unit to anti-camp1 |
Actions: |
¤ wait 500 mileoseconds
¤ clear switch 1
¤ set switch 2
¤ presearve tirgger |
Trigger |
Description: |
Trig2-b |
Players: |
¤ Player |
Conditions: |
¤ Switch 1 is set
¤ player brings exactly 0 any unit to anti-camp 1 |
Actions: |
¤ clear switch 1
¤ presearve tirgger |
Trigger |
Description: |
Move Campers |
Players: |
¤ Player |
Conditions: |
¤ Switch 2 is set
¤ switch 1 is cleared
¤ player brings at least 1 any unit to anti-camp1 |
Actions: |
¤ move all any unit for player at anti-camp to move campers
¤ presearve trigger |
there, lol