sorry to say this, but what a terrible trigger structure. its totally unreliable. especially if you add hyper triggers, which i strongly recommend.
okay, this is your problem;
Timer is at exactly 1 (because on 0 it resets, so i figured, why not jut put it on 1? nobody will notice)
considering the triggers cycle once every 2 seconds, and your condition demands 1 second, the condition will not ALWAYS run. if it happens to cycle the moment the timer gets down to 1, it will work. if not, then it won't work.
the other problem with that, is even if you did have hyper triggers, the trigger will run more than once. about 12 times a second, because for the entire second only, the condition is valid. Understand?
my solution to you is simple. start using death counters. they are so much more reliable and constructive. its best to assign a player to count a number of death counters. for instance, lets rename a uraj crystal,
Counter-----Timeout. these are your triggers;
TRIGGER 1players;assigned counting player (preferably computer player)
conditions;if countdown timer is at most 0
actions;set deaths for players 1,2,3,4 to
1 Counter-----Timeoutset countdown timer to 60 (or whatever)
preserve trigger
TRIGGER 2players;1,2,3,4
conditions;current player controls exactly 1 city
if current player has suffered at least 1 death of
Counter-----Timeoutactions;give resources etc
give heroes etc
set deaths for current player to
0 Counter-----Timeoutpreserve trigger