Okay, I tend to post more than one question so I dont have so many posts, so here goes again!
1. Is there a list of which sprites will crash the game and every possible way to crash the game(during the game, not as soon as it starts)?
2. Is there a list of which sprites will stay around during the game, like they dont dissappear?
3. I was playing 'Don't Look at the Dot' and I came down on the dot slowly, at first I saw the rock sprite that is possible to create in game (that arch thing), it was slightly above the dot, then as I went down I saw a scourge for like 2 seconds, then it was replaced by a terran power generator and my game crashed. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this, is this how all crashing buildings work?(This question isn't too important, just wondering)
4. I saw in Uberation3 when I was looking in the location section a bunch of unused settings for locations, are any of these a setting to detect water?
5. What do all the other unused upgrades in Starforge do? Other than the one that gives workers attack and upgrades psi storm etc.?
6. What kind of unit is a Dark Swarm/ Disruption web, is it a 'man' or a 'building' also, I ask the same thing about beacons.
7. Is there a way to make it so that death counters for randomization are more randomized, so you can't just keep doing the randomization after a certain time and get the same results every time, so lets say u have it going 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 and they go onto the pad every 4 seconds, so they would keep getting the 1 every time, how could u make it more random?
Okay, get answering!
QUOTE(Falkoner @ Dec 28 2006, 08:55 PM)
Okay, I tend to post more than one question so I dont have so many posts, so here goes again!
1. Is there a list of which sprites will crash the game and every possible way to crash the game(during the game, not as soon as it starts)?
2. Is there a list of which sprites will stay around during the game, like they dont dissappear?
3. I was playing 'Don't Look at the Dot' and I came down on the dot slowly, at first I saw the rock sprite that is possible to create in game (that arch thing), it was slightly above the dot, then as I went down I saw a scourge for like 2 seconds, then it was replaced by a terran power generator and my game crashed. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this, is this how all crashing buildings work?(This question isn't too important, just wondering)
4. I saw in Uberation3 when I was looking in the location section a bunch of unused settings for locations, are any of these a setting to detect water?
5. What do all the other unused upgrades in Starforge do? Other than the one that gives workers attack and upgrades psi storm etc.?
6. What kind of unit is a Dark Swarm/ Disruption web, is it a 'man' or a 'building' also, I ask the same thing about beacons.
7. Is there a way to make it so that death counters for randomization are more randomized, so you can't just keep doing the randomization after a certain time and get the same results every time, so lets say u have it going 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 and they go onto the pad every 4 seconds, so they would keep getting the 1 every time, how could u make it more random?
Okay, get answering!
5) Not sure..
6)I'm not sure they classify as either, though I may be wrong, instead of picking man, or building, or whatever just pick the unit, simple enough.
7)Yes, use switches for randomization, and then from using the switches randomize the death counters.
EDIT: there are no actual lists in the editors, but if you have a brain and some common sense then you can make your own mental list in about 5 minutes or a few tests. There may be a list floating around SEN somewhere, unaware of my knowledge.
1. I Remember I made one a couple of years ago.. If it's not on tutorial database I might still have it on my HD
2. Look at 1.
3. I remember Me and a friend of mine kinda started that "don't look at the dot" thing You disable with triggers a building hat crashes when it's saw, like missile turrets, or in effect you can place an independant CC or starport that work the same way.
4. I don't know, But I'm pretty sure you can't detect water.
5. No idea.
6. They are not man, but they are units not buildings. You can test this one?
7. Use switches, or do the classic unit scroll: Make a trigger with a serial of units created removed, Say ghost is 1 and marine is 2, remove ghost create marine, reove marine create ghost, so that way it is 1,2 but you an alter the serial to be 1,2,2,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2. Since the units will be removed very fast it will be more random by the time you stop the trigger. But off course random switches is more random.
Okay, thanks, if you find those lists plz IM me
I have an answer for number 6!! (That's the swarm one, right??)
Well, the swarm thing isn't "men" or "building", if you're using a special editor such as ScmDraft or StarForge, then you can just do say:
Center location on Dark Swarm for Player 1 at anywhere. If you're using normal StarEdit, you're out of luck there.
4. I saw in Uberation3 when I was looking in the location section a bunch of unused settings for locations, are any of these a setting to detect water?
Probably not.
6. What kind of unit is a Dark Swarm/ Disruption web, is it a 'man' or a 'building' also, I ask the same thing about beacons.
I highly suspect that none of them are either men or buildings. And dark swarms and disruption webs probably don't even count when you ask for all units (although I believe beacons will).
Hmmm, so does anyone know about beacons then? Because the dark swarm seems to already be solved. I tried before to detect water but I thought that those could possibly be it.. but whatever, and xmrxsiegecopx, are you sure they do nothing at all? If so then thx.
Beacons aren't men or buildings, unused flags on locations don't do anything, and all unused upgrades besides 60 do absolutely nothing. And for question 7, just use hyper triggers and it will run fast enough it doesn't matter. Or just use switches.
Okay, so how bout doors, also I was wondering about flag beacons, ya know how they make flags appear every once in a while, is there a way to get rid of that other than having a trigger that always removes flags anywhere, or just using regular beacons
Use regular beacons, remove flags through triggers, or (untested! Just an idea) try placing the flag beacons on unwalkable ground. But no, you can't disable the place COP option on flag beacons and you can't make them not make a flag under normal circumstances (and I haven't even tested the other idea I mentioned. If you do, I'd be interested in your results).
Hmm I think I'll test it, anyone know how long it takes for a flag to appear?
Also I already knew you couldnt get rid of the COP thing, so you simply place it for p10 or one of the other unused players.
EDIT: Okay, I'm going to start a new topic, so go ahead and check it out