I'm trying to make a simple mod in MemGraft and some other programs that let's player's build their races heros but I can't find out how to edit the tech tree. Once I changed the Barracks to have an extra button for making Gui Montags. In SC it worked perfectly except that I can build Gui with no Academy. Is it possible to edit the unit requirements with MemGraft? For instance have a Goliath that requires the Science Lab, or any other tech tree changes. Also, is it possible to have a building require a unit in play to be built? For instance making Bunkers require Marines.
Thnx a lot if you can help.
Yes, this is possible and quite easy. There's a tab in Memgraft called something like "UnitReq;" in Stargraft it's called Requirements. Go into this and find the set of requirements for the unit/upgrade/tech you want. Change them as you see fit. The syntax takes a bit of getting used to, but it's not that complicated.
Aha! Thanks a lot. I didn't see the MemGraft thing with the sliding bar that changes for each requirement.