Special Forces: The Lab.
Creator: ETEFT(U)
Story Line:
A company named the United Science Core, the "USC" was created by a man named Rick Feldmen. He made this company and built a lab for it. The USC was designed to come up with formulas, pills, drugs to help enhance peoples senses, abilities and so on. Mr. Feldmen became known world wide when his company's first pill came out named "W-4." Designed for women, it helps raise their immune systems dramatically. USC soon dominated company's such as Tylenol and Advil with their new pill that relieved pain instantly, "Acus."
It is now December Fifth, 2007, Mr. Feldmen announced on December Forth, 2006 his company was making a pill which would change our world forever. He said, "The USC has been working on a formula to enhance the bodies genetic capabilities. We plan to finish this project of ours by next year." He also mentioned, "The pills name is Vinco, a Latin word which means To Conquer, so if that doesn't give you the picture on how compelling this pill will be, I don't know what will."
Time: 2:14
Date: December Fifth, 2007.
News Report: The USC lab has been hi-jacked by unknown terrorists, it is believed that Al-Qaeda is behind this attack. Those rumors aren't for sure though, who knows what these terrorist plan to do with the things inside that lab. We'll keep you updated, stay tuned.
This is where you come in...
• Marcus Brown
- Title: Squad Leader
- Age: 34
- Description: Served the army for 8 years, quit when he was 32, been inside the SFTS (Special Force Task Squad) ever since.
• Kim Yao
- Title: Hacker
- Age: 23
- Description: Since a little girl, Kim has always played with computers. She knows about almost every trick and thing to do with system hacking. She joined the SFTS when she was 22.
• Jeff Houston
- Title: Sniper
- Age: 29
- Description: Country boy, always had a kean eye for aiming and guns, decided to join the SFTS when he was 21.
• Frank Bernal
- Title: Demolition Expert
- Age: 42
- Description: A pyro at heart, loves to make bombs and blow things up. Frank was a construction worker before he joined the SFTS. At age 40, he wanted to do something thrilling with his life, he quit his job and signed up for the SFTS.
• Rick Feldmen
- Title: USC Owner
- Age: 35
- Description: Entrepreneur all his life, he hit big with his idea to change the world that he knew.
• Map Size: 128 x 192
• Map Terrain: Installation
• Players: Four
Screen Shots:
Before the infiltration.Infiltrating the lab.Kim using her hacking abilities.
Final Thoughts:
I'm really excited about this project, it involves alot of team work and communication. I know people will enjoy it. Any comments, or questions please feel free to post. I'll get back to them ASAP. Regarding a demo being released, I doubt I will have one, the map is almost done to be shown. Testers will be appreciated, I need to test soon. Thanks for taking time to read my post, later.