So I know rescuable units, when rescued, keep their color. The only way to do this is to have a computer dedicated to each color. Player slots, of course, are precious. Is there any way for a 7 player game with 1 computer to have at least all 7 players with different colors, and then 2 separate colors for heroes? If more that would be awesome. Right now I'm doubtful. These need to be controllable too, so no just giving to player 12.
i have no idea man. try Players 9-11 for something
Sadly I don't think it's possible :\ I personally tried to make a map where people could change into different clothing (different colours) and I ended up just dedicating two slots to two colours, black and white. Then the players default colour would be their other one. That's the best I can think of.
I have found one thing, if a unit is told by triggers to move, then given to an unused player, the orders keep going, would this help? I tryed this years ago so dont count on it, but it does work.
Felino, your method has nothing to do with what he is asking, he wants the colors, he said nothing about orders.
Anyway, there is no way to do it without rescuable players, since other ways of giving units always change the color... I'm gonna try to test and see if you can set player 9-11 to rescuable, if it works I'll tell you, but I doubt it will, since they are supposed to be unused..
You can't, falk. The only way to have units of more than 1 color is to have a player 1-8 set to rescuable for each new color you want.
I was looking through the AI scripts and I saw make player rescuable, could this be helpful? perhaps just making the computer rescuable for a second? although I'm not quite sure how to change it back
you cant change it back, so..