Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Computer AI
Report, edit, etc...Posted by GuN_Solar90 on 2007-01-08 at 23:19:32
I'm makin' a map and I gave a computer units. The computer has no buildings, but I want it still to attack. I am currently using Run AI Script, Strategic Attack. I'd like to find something better if possible. Thanks!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2007-01-08 at 23:30:46
Use the random suicide mission AI instead or order patrol actions if you want specific locations to attack.

Computer must have an enemy and not be defeated or it will do nothing.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by GuN_Solar90 on 2007-01-10 at 15:25:03
yeah I considered that, but I want the computer to defend areas as well. kinda like Gunship RPG AI. I think I'm borderlining on AI technology that hasnt been invented yet.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by NerdyTerdy on 2007-01-10 at 15:38:35
I believe there in an ai action called Guard Location, or something along those lines.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by green_meklar on 2007-01-10 at 19:09:21
Guard location I'm not sure of, but there is value this area higher and harass this area.
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