2 maps i made in 2005, i lost them when i got my new computer, and they were lost with my system restore on my comp before that, plz anyone who has them plz tell me. xgmx@uswest
im not exactly sure this is where this topic belongs, but, no i dont have them, newver heard of them either.
I highly doubt that this topic would EVER be answered by anyone on SEN, especially since it is a movie that is not highly popular, and if it is not on any download database then it is even more unlikely. It's kind of like searching for a needle in a haystack.
it was on SC.org but they corrupted it, and on bnet
Do you realize how many people play Starcraft, and how many actually are on staredit? The ratio there is insanely large, so just because it has been on battle.net doesn't mean you'll find it, actually I'll bet you 10 minerals you wont find it within a month. Are you on for my bet?