Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Spawn Trigger
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PatchOne on 2007-01-11 at 11:32:54
hi there...

if u read my post in the UMS Production forum, u will know that i try to ressurect the Lost HGM Defense.

my mapping skills are relative good, (okay im a noob happy.gif) but i have problems with a trigger now.

everyone who played HGM know how the enemys spawn there... continous spawn of one level, after some time lvl 2 starts , and lvl 1 runs still beside lvl 2.

then, lvl 3 starts, lvl 1 ends and only lvl 2 + 3 runns.. if lvl 4 starts lvl 2 stops and so on...

now i just have a continous spawn of lvl 1 but i dont know how to make that 1 lvl stops if another begins... i never worked with switches or else...

cuz i think that this is an easy trigger, i decided to ask here ...

thx for helping

regards, PatchOne


i tried something but im stuck...

i maded

Countdown + Switch 1
¤ Player 8
¤ ElapsedTime(AtMost, 1);
¤ SetSwitch(Switch 1, Set);
¤ SetCountdownTimer(SetTo, 80);
¤ Comment("switch1 + countdown");

to start switch 1 and starting a countdown for lvl 2
then i maded

¤ Player 8
¤ Switch(Switch 1, Set);
¤ CreateUnit(1, Overlord, OL Spawn, P8);

thats what i maded but now, how to activate switch 2? the spawns are there, i just have to activate that switch... if i would make it by countdown, i think it wouldnt work cuz on one coundown 0 all levels would be activated

does anyone have an idea??
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord-Omega on 2007-01-11 at 12:47:11
ok, this is simple and easy to do, you just have to have switches for each wave/level. such as lvl 1 would use switch 1, lvl 2 switch 2, lvl 3 switch 3, ect...

then when your ready to start the waves have a switch set, and then the wave's trigger add into the condition 'Switch 1' is set, and then on level 3, add a action, clear switch 1, and on lvl 4, clear switch 2, and so on. its very easy to add into your triggers.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PatchOne on 2007-01-11 at 13:01:11
ye i tried that, read my edit ... im stucked right now cuz i dont know how to set these triggers after some time without using a countdowntimer
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zwo on 2007-01-11 at 14:16:50
This should do the trick
¤ ElapsedTime(AtMost, 1);
¤ SetSwitch(Switch 1, Set);
¤ SetCountdownTimer(SetTo, 80);
¤ Comment("switch1 + countdown");

switch 1 is set

¤ countdowntimer(exactly, 0);
¤ switch(switch 1, set);
¤ setswitch(switch 2, set);
¤ set countdowntimer(80);

switch 1 and 2 is set

¤ countdowntimer(exactly, 0);
¤ switch(switch 2, set);
¤ setswitch(switch 1, clear);
¤ setswitch(switch 3, set);
¤ set countdowntimer(80);

switch 2 and 3 is set

¤ countdowntimer(exactly, 0);
¤ switch(switch 3, set);
¤ setswitch(switch 2, clear);
¤ setswitch(switch 4, set);
¤ set countdowntimer(80);

switch 3 and 4 is set

¤ countdowntimer(exactly, 0);
¤ switch(switch 4, set);
¤ setswitch(switch 3, clear);
¤ setswitch(switch 5, set);
¤ set countdowntimer(80);

switch 4 and 5 is set

this way you'll always have 2 switches set

or without the countdown timer:

¤ switch(switch 1, set);
¤ wait(80000); <-- 80 seconds
¤ setswitch(switch 2, set);
¤ wait(80000);
¤ setswitch(switch 1, clear);
¤ setswitch(switch 3, set);
¤ wait(80000);
¤ setswitch(switch 2, clear);
¤ setswitch(switch 4, set);
¤ wait(80000);
¤ setswitch(switch 3, clear);
¤ setswitch(switch 5, set);

you can also split these into seperate triggers.

¤ switch(switch 1, set);
¤ wait(80000);
¤ set switch(switch 2, set);

after 80 seconds switch 1 and switch 2 will be set

¤ switch(switch 2, set);
¤ wait(80000);
¤ set switch(switch 1, clear);
¤ set switch(switch 3, set);

after 160 seconds switch 2 and switch 3 will be set

¤ switch(switch 3, set);
¤ wait(80000);
¤ set switch(switch 2, clear);
¤ set switch(switch 4, set);

after 240 seconds switch 3 and switch 4 will be set

¤ switch(switch 4, set);
¤ wait(80000);
¤ set switch(switch 3, clear);
¤ set switch(switch 5, set);

after 320 seconds switch 4 and switch 5 will be set
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PatchOne on 2007-01-11 at 18:59:53
hell yeah! thx a lot this helps me really biggrin.gif

hi again. dsorry i dont want double post but i need just a small help again, and i dont want to create a new topic, because my questions are more nooblike, than other questions with higher priority...

all i want to ask is, does it give any way to count every kill and mae every kill to 1 resource?

i tried that first trigger from the "Kills to Cash" trigger tutorial, but every time more units at the same time gets killed, its just 1 resource or not even one that is added to my resources.

does it give any ideas to fix that, so i can get really for EVERY kill that 1 resource - or even a easier way to get ever 10 real kills 1 civilist for a special spawn ?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Puddin on 2007-01-11 at 19:45:04
QUOTE(PatchOne @ Jan 11 2007, 04:59 PM)
does it give any ideas to fix that, so i can get really for EVERY kill that 1 resource - or even a easier way to get ever 10 real kills 1 civilist for a special spawn ?

The best 'Kills to Cash' you're going to find is 'Kills to Cash Perfect'. There's no truly perfect Kills to Cash, as I've heard. This angers me so. disgust.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DeViL_Dwarven on 2007-01-11 at 22:31:46
Did you put a Hyper trigger?? Because it will help.. I mean, the killz to cash will refresh faster and you will get more money.. So if you kill 2 guyz in same time you will still have only 1$ But if you kill two units almost in same time the hyper trigger will give you more chances to have the money..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PatchOne on 2007-01-12 at 07:00:02
hmm okay i never used one before, i will try it.. .but i dont check that tutorial... i should put in wait(0); as many as i can , than delete on... what does this mean? is in that trigger list a limit anyhow or what do i have to do... sorry but that hyper trigger tutorial is not clear enough for me
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felino on 2007-01-12 at 07:11:34
Not to worry. Hyper trigger make the triggers run faster. Normally triggers are run one per second. With hypertiggers it runs about 12 timeas a second. The only problem is it really screws up waits.

Ok here is how a hyper should look.
Hyper Triggers
¤ (computer player)
¤ Always
¤ Wait (0)
¤ Wait (0)
¤ Wait (0)
¤ (repeat 62 times)
¤ Preserve trigger
¤ Comment name "hypertrigger" (optional)

Copy this string 4 times and you have hypertriggers. Don't we value all questions as one level. We do not just say "noob" and leave it. Thanks for not double posting. Enjoy your time in sen.

If you want to use the "wait' trigger anywere else in your map with hypertriggers, ask and we will help you out. What map editer are you using?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PatchOne on 2007-01-12 at 07:21:41
hey thank you smile.gif

im using Starforge... never tried anything else, and i like it... smile.gif

if i have any more problems i will post them here

*problem solved smile.gif*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felino on 2007-01-12 at 18:22:14
I think though in some way SCmdraft is slightly better for you, along with other epole as well. tongue.gif

Have fun! happy.gif
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