Tactical Warfare/Hero map
Project Poseidon:
On a US space station named Juggernaut, scientists try to genetically modify new organisms found on Mars. The reason those organisms were chosen for the project, were that they are easily modifyable, and they reproduce themselves quickly.
The attack:
After the project has been run for 2 months, an assault on the space station is made by alien forces. Rumours tell that a spcies of highly intelligent creatures from system XM98B are the attackers. During the attack, the aliens manage to break into the tank containing most of the organisms found on Mars, but before anyone can escape, the exits are automatically sealed and power shut down.
The Eternal Night:
For the survivors still on the space-ship, the power shutdown means doom. The two races start roaming around in a hunt for food, and waiting for reinforcements. Each time the two races encounter each other, they detroy the opposing forces, to make reinforcements more secure. After 5 days of this happening, noone has any ammunition left, or the guns are broken. The two factions turn to the organisms to create their needs.
The Dawn of Bacteria:
As the factions make more and more advanced creations with the organisms, the organisms get more accustomed to their masters, slowly but steadily, they start getting more powerful than their creators. The genetic modification makes them even stronger. They are soon the masters of their masters. The struggle for the space station continues, but with the mutations as masters. You are one of them...
Ideas: 70%
Terrain: 30%
Triggers: 0%
Unit Placement: 0%
•13 Jan 2007: Finished 1st terrain draft.
•12 Jan 2007: Added forum thread.
•10 Jan 2007: Started working on the project.
•Choose between commanding a strong, hardy or agressive mutation.
•Modify yourself using a totally new system.
•Play tactically with your teammates, or go solo to grow stronger than everybody
•Infest opposing units, or use your master's men to accomplish your goals.
•Fight in a variety of ways in non-symmetric corridors onboard of Juggernaut.
•Find genes using a combination of different systems.
•Map tileset: Installation
•Map size: 128x192 (might change to 192x192 though)
•Number of players: 6 (3 on each team)
•Number of computers: 2
•(more added later)
None yet. Will wait with adding them until triggers have been started.Sounds interesting. The whole infesting other units... what, you gain control of the unit and your original unit gets sent off somewhere? And when you leave the infested body, does the old unit become an enemy again?
Not excactly. As the map will be kind of DotAish, but on an irregular terrain, you can infest various life forms, opponent's and and your own, and you will get more powerful. For each infested unit, you get an infestation point (gas) . It can be used for various things, like making your mutation bigger. The infested unit is given to your team's computer player, or you can use it as a test subject. I will add more of that later.