I use SCMDraft & would like to use this concept in a map:
Just in case someone decides to give me the tutorial, I have read it already and know where it is. I just have SCMDraft and need to know what I need to do differently if theres anything @ all. And in the map I saw using it, it used the Nuke Bead. Where is this in SCMDraft's Sprite Selection?
Stacking Units Tutoriali don't know whay you mean by "nuke bead", but the nuclear missile can be found under: sprites -> unit sprites -> terran -> special -> nuclear missile.
Just click the number of times you want to stack the unit... if you put down 500 nuclear silos, it works, just make sure you enable stack under the options->units->enable stack
The nuke bead (laser might have helped) is under sprites->units->terran->special->Nuke target
The sprite for the Nuke Target doesn't seem to be selectable in the main section of SCMDraft.
Though I do know it is "Pure Sprite 231"
Here is a map with it on it. Perhaps you could Copy/Paste it when you need to.
[Or just download StarForge?]
Oh, and the blinking dot doesn't fire a nuke and u cannot remove or place it.
I know that, I am just using it for visual/trigger purposes.
If you got what you needed, you should close the topic.