[progress]50[/progress]if i get the right help, if i dont get the right help,[progress]95[/progress] After you complete your last bound obstical, how do you make it so you can start at the beginning again (without slowing it down which happened to me..) with different obstacles?
Can you attach a map or go into more detail about what you are currently doing and what you want to do? It isn't entirely clear, but it sounds like you aren't using death counters/switches to set levels.
You set a switch for every bound, so if they are on bound 2 switch bound2 is set, and bound2 makes the trigger run for that bound, and so you can turn the bound on or off anytime you want, now you do that, then once they get to the end, you move them back to bound 1 and set bound1, and to increase the speed, you can use different waits in your hypertriggers, so you have one set of hypertriggers that has a 1000 wait, then anohter that has a 750 wait, then another with a 500 wait. Now each one is run, not with the condition 'Always' but with the condition 'Level1 is set' or 'Level2 is set' or 'Level3 is set'. so once you get to the end, you set level2 and then the second fastest hyper triggers are run and you also set 'bound1', so the first bound starts again.