[COLOR=red]I have a map where a Terran Civilian walks onto a location and this is the trigger...
- Condition:
Force 1 Brings aleast 1 Terran Civilian to location "End Level 01"
- Actions:
Kill 1 Terran Civilian at location "End Level 01"
Display Text Message "Level Up!"
Wait 2000 milliseconds
Create 1 Hero for Player 1
Create 1 Hero for Player 2
Create 1 Hero for Player 3
Create 1 Hero for Player 4
Create 1 Hero for Player 5
Create 1 Hero for Player 6
Preserve Tigger
are you trying to make it so one player goes to a spot the whole team levels? using 'force' would cause glicthes. you should use current or a single player. probably it might happen multiple times, or the actions on it split up.