Ok... i got a question, if I was to use effects that in SCM u go Sprites > Doodads / Effects, will the effects constantly play with sound? or do I have to do something to make them active with sound constantly?
Well, some effects will crash the game, and others will only happen as soon as the game starts, and some will stay the whole game, which ones are you trying to use?
I need effects that will sound like they are killing something meaning, like a ship is under attack, i need the fire noises and all that crap... like missle noises and all that... u know!
In scm Draft, if you go to the sound editor, they have all the sounds from starcraft, these sounds take up no space on your map and I'm pretty sure will work just fine.
but I want them played in a certain location... lol k il figure it out then...
Animated sprites can only be preplaced, and will execute their frame sequence with no sound and then remove themselves.
Sorry, but you can't so something like create an exploding missile sprite via triggers.