i would like to request that anyone who reads this please go to my website at www.geocities.com/onlyson2000 and read the story roseblood, the other storys are fun reads to but roseblood is my pride and joy, and i would really like some feed back from people, thank you very much in advance
Moved to Advertising
He did want feedback... anyways. Its a simple HTML page, pleasant colors, but the layout needs a touch up. You have your copyright bigger than all the text.
Yoshi, i thank you for your critqite of my site, but i wanted people to read the Stories on the site. not the site itself, and the reason the copyrite text is so big is so there isn't any question about it, i worked hard on my stories and i want no one stealing them, and on more thing, please if you have a story you would like on the site, e mail me with it.
Sorry. Remember I'm still new to this and we've never had a "Creative Works" forum before =/
S'all right, just please check out the storys on my site