for those who are confused about my story line, let me put it up for you.
It all started in Xiang Yang, home of Liu Biao, Sun Jian had been ambushed, But, lucky for Sun Jian a man named Nuyoko Ba and his daughter Ishtar Li raised a peasent Milta and held off Liu Biao's forces until Jian's regular army arrived. Jian quickly turned the battle around and conqured Liu Biao, making Nuyoko an officer of his forces in the process (See Map Legend of Nuyoko Ba.)
Fast foward a few years, Zhuge Liang had arrived to talk to Sun Quan about joining in an allied attack agianst Cao Cao at Chi Bi, a shu officer named Guan Ping had been sent to protect Zhuge Liang, during a return trip, the sounds of battle filled the air, Guan Ping and a small detatchment of troops went off to find out what was going on, he discovered a small yellow turban cell attacking the house of Nuyoko Ba, the whealthest man in Wu. Guan Ping joined up with the guard unit of the house to find Ishtar Li defending the house, upon approching her, Ishtar Li cut the shaft to Ping's pike, almost mistaking him for a Turban. as the battle raged, Ping and Li were joined by Guan yu and Zhou Yu. the turbans were repressed once more. (see enter ishtar li)
After the battle, Ping and Li feel in love and a marriage was arrange to seal the alliance, Cao Cao, fearing the alliance, sent Xiahou Dun to attack the site of their marriage, however Zhuge Liang sensed this and set ambushes, once the Wei soldiers were well dug into battle, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Nuyoko Ba, and Huang Gai ambushed them, resulting in a victory for the allied forces.(see Guan Ping's Marriage)
years later, Guan Ping was resting before the attack on Fan Castle, when he had a dream that his father and uncle were attacking his wife, when he woke up, he ignored the dream and went for Fan Castle (Guan Ping's Dream)
However, Guan Yu and Ping were defeated at Fan Castle and were forced to defend in Mai Castle, with wu and wei forces attacking them, they were sure that they would die, even worse Liu Feng, son if Liu Bei, refused to send help to the besieged force, however Ishtar Li would not have her husband die, She and Guan Xing set out to rescue the force, as the battle raged Zhuge Liang had conqured the Nanman army and brought nanman armor troops to assist, effectlvely saving Guan Yu (Rescue Guan Yu)
Cao Cao's terriorty had been growning smaller as of late, a rebellion in Guan Du worried him so he sent the entire Xiahou Family to deal with it, unknown to him Guan Yu was the rebel leader, and his family, along with Zhang Fei's family attacked Xiahou Dun and his family, Xiahou Ba defected and was the only Xiahou alive after the battle. (Showdown of familes)
While Guan Yu had defeat the Xiahou Family, Cao Ren had kidnapped the Qiao sisters of wu, Ishtar Li was a friend to the Qiaos and took her force, a shu force, and a wu force to attack the wei force and rescue her friends. with heros like Sun Ce and Guan Yu on her side, even the mighty Dian Wei was forced to withdraw and the Qiaos were saved. (Ishtar Li's Strike)
thats all there is for now