A girl and a guy were speeding over 100 mph on the road on a motorcycle.
Girl:Slow down.Im scared.
Guy:No this is fun.
Girl:No its not.Please,its too scary!
Guy:Then tell me you love me.
Girl:Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy:Now give me a BIG hug.
::Girl hugs him::
Guy:Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? Its bugging me.
(In the paper the next day):
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. 2 people were on it, but only 1 survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt her hug 1 last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
^guy in that is my idol, i really look up to him
umm couldnt the dude have just like laid off the gas and keep making sharp turns to slow down or keep driving till he ran out of gas???
and i think its kinda weird cuz i mean if your goin straight to the building and goin to crash i think she would no whats happening :\ or when you dont slow down...after she hugs you
I woul've just let the bike flow without hitting the gas. I'd keep going turns and I'll try and go up hills so gravity could stop the bike.
Good story though.
just add a little sentence that says the gas was stuck too

and he was like on a narrow street where he couldnt turn or do nething

God damn... The girl is scared for going too fast. And she's on his motorcycle...
If that was me...
::A scared b¡tch and a donwano were going Mach 17 on the road on his pimped out motorcycle::
Scared B¡tch: Slow down. I'm scared.
donwano: No, b¡tch, this is fun.
Scared B¡tch: No its not. Please, it's too scary!
donwano: Then tell me you love me.
Scared B¡tch: Fine, I love you. Slow down don!
donwano: Ha tricked you b¡tch!
::Scared B¡tch gets confused::
donwano: Oh
, my brakes are broke! Peace b¡tch!
::donwano jumps off the bike and lands on his head, but is safe cause he has his helmet on::
(donwano lies to cops the next day)
(In the paper the next day)
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. A scared b¡tch crashed on it, but didn't survive. The truth was that the scared b¡tch had stolen donwano's motorcycle. After donwano realized that his bike was stolen, he laughed cause he rememberd that the brakes broke on it the day before. But he didn't want to let the b¡tch know. Instead, he hadn't called the cops and told them it was stolen yet cause he wanted his revenge.
Bleh, I'm bored.
It was a stupid story to begin with.[/center]
wow that was the most

ed up thing ever, and i highly doubt you would ACTUALLy do that in a REAL situation...
[Center]Wow... You doubt my skills? Obviously you don't know me, the greatest man alive, very well.[/center]
lol you the greatest man alive?
i think your mistake cuz its obviously me


like that isn't even funny (Directed at `BiG~kAhOoNa`) You know damn well if that was a real situation, and the person you loved more than anything in the world was on there with you, you would do anything in your power to keep her/him safe
The story is kinda flawed but i love the message. Nice one.
EDIT: I had to type the word message 3 times. It came out "massage" and "mesasuage" the first two times...
Good story, Kahoona you are one

ed up son of a

I agree, and it really torques me off when people think they are all tough because they say they would do something like that
the story needs to be fleshed out a bit, but other than that, its a good plot

interesting, but to short if ya ask me.
[Center]People hate me for being sarcastic. It's a gift that I can be so sarcastic. But a curse that you all hate me for it.[/center]
That story really sucked! why not just slow down?! GOD!
Read the story first instead of posting dumb comments...
I liked both stories (first and donwano's) but I like don's more up until the next day part.