Its called "Bounci Yoshi" and its self explanitory! lol, anyone know how to make it a screensaver?
Don't know about other people, but it says its either corrupted, damaged or invalid...
Cannot open file. What is it anyway?
Great more crappy games ugh.....
Its basically a watch exe but heres a screenie, yoshis that flash different colors move around, dots slow them down, and whe the colide with themselves, the speed up. It'd be an interesting screensaver...
edit: this is my first attempt to program anyting (other then map making), i got bored and saw sprites of yoshies so i decided to do tihs crappy game/thingy so oh welll if ya dont like it
i'lll show you people how make a reaL GAME by downloading game maker again....
hahaha u do that, now im gonna be serious and make another crappy game .... but now my parents r sending me to bed

so quiggles to all!
I"lL show you i'll make a my old game! (r-type) So bite me
Dude, shut up until you can actually make something better.
These people are trying to make something decent and you keep saying you own them. Go ahead and show us some works you've done.
Don't have any? stfu then, if you dont have anything else to say...
Yeah, sniffles. I MIGHt try to make a skeet shooting game with bears as the skeet! idk
QUOTE(Shadow Paladin @ Sep 18 2004, 09:58 PM)
Dude, shut up until you can actually make something better.
These people are trying to make something decent and you keep saying you own them. Go ahead and show us some works you've done.
Don't have any? stfu then, if you dont have anything else to say...
I thought you guys were nice and theres no rules for being nice

Youn should add rules! So people like me should be nice or be banned
Holy crap! One of the Yoshis got stuck in a corner and then when it got unstuck went at near supersonic speeds across the thing and kept gaining speed.