Those with admincp access, I ask to make your passwords more complex if you haven't already. You can dish out some serious damage with it, and I've recently got threats that people are trying to crack passwords. I changed mine to one with weird characters and 18 characters, so they can't get me. However, if your password is "easy to guess" then change it please.
Alright I'll change mine. Just to be sure.
Done. No more 6 letter easy crap for them to crack.
I have a 7 character password all letters
Unless i did the math wrong that is over 8 billion differant combinations (78 billion if you include the 10 numbers) and thats assuming they knew it was 7 characters. I would rather you remove my admin access than have me change my password to something crazy with alt characters i would just forget it.
Hmmm, I know you and clokr_ don't use admincp as much, but SP does, so maybe I'll make him staff again.
IMO, AdminCP access isn't really needed for Global Moderators. There isn't much they should need to do that can't wait until one of the Staff Members comes around. All the major stuff could be handled with options in the warning dialog or even the ModCP.
Then I'd like to have another staff member most likely. I know for a fact Clokr_ and Bolt don't want it (it'd mean a lot more time commited to this website, time they dont have).
Shadow Paladin could rejoin staff, or we can nominate someone else. Making new topic...
Aww, you removed our power over the admin CP >.<
It was so cool