First i wanna say did't there use to be a section were you can advertise?Well anyway if you like trivia you should visit Op fire1000 @useast.Over 5366 questions.We use a new trivia bot called station 55 which is a huge improvement over veebers but still in BETA.If your new and your not so good.Sometimes i'll open a second channel up.But latetely its been getting empty so i closed it.We have a forum but i mean its me and this other guy talking to our selfs might as well chat in the channel lol.Make sure to stop by OP FIRE1000 USEAST.
First i wanna say did't there use to be a section were you can advertise?
Its In The Garbage Subform (Needs To Be Moved By Yoshi Or Who Ever Has Access To The Option)
The IRC Channel has a Trivia Bot. But right now I have it disabled... If Clokr_ is in the channel, then his trivia is most likely on. I'm guessing your trivia is just random questions though, whereas the ones in #SEN are based on StarEdit and such.
I'm sorry for posting in the wrong section didt see it sorry.Ya its random questions.I am thinking to expanding onto mirc and make a trivia on there.But i dont really know yet i love battle and things are going ok.Let me know if you stop by.Also i am opening Op newbtrivia more often because i am getting alot of new people and they cant keep up with the peeps who been in there for the past 3 months and memorized alot.But good news is i keep adding alot of questions.So you have a better chance.