Okay, people obviously didn't take me seriously the first time, but the power you have comes at a PRICE. You must change ALL your passwords to a password you dont already have.
Someone just got into bolt's account. I know for sure it couldn't of been hacked through SEN because the first account they would of gone after is mine.
So far, the damages are:
- Posting an image that popups a password input box
- Making two new news posts that were irrelenvant, plus insulting people
- Randomly banning members from shoutbox (I have unbanned everyone)
- Changing Bolt_Head's profile.
If theres any damage I'm not aware of, please tell me.
Thank god that I removed the global moderators admincp access, or the person who got in would dish out some real damage.
Since I know that the access wasn't done through hacking SEN, heres some other possible ones:
- Keylogger
- "Guessed"
- Hacked another site that he used the same password.
So I ask EVERYONE WHO SEES THIS to change their password RIGHT NOW.
Make it:
- Over 12 characters.
- Include Symbols.
- Make sure you've never used the password in your life, and it will ONLY be for THIS website ONLY!
Should have banned him when I had the occasion...
Password changed to a 20 letters+ pass I never used anywhere else.
My password is so good even I don't know what it is.
No one could guess my password, unless they knew me. Really well.
Oh god, I'll never remember a 12+-letter password. Oh well, here goes...
I guess this is still relivant, so i'll make up a new password. Makes me wonder how they got it.