Okay, here's the funky new SEN game. Let's boogie.
L o t sThere are 100 "lots", ordered from 0 through 99. A "lot" is a piece of property that can be owned by any SENer playing the game. Any one unoccupied lot can be purchased by a member for 50 minerals. A member can only own one lot, multiple accounts are not permitted. Lots are sold on a first come, first serve basis. If two players purchase the same lot, the first request recieves it. Lot Zero cannot be purchased. Additional lots can be created after resets as I see fit.
M o n e yEvery day, I use a random number generator for each player. They range from 0 through 99. Each number corresponds to the lot of the same number. If that lot is owned by another player, you are charged 10 minerals and that player gains 10 minerals. If the number corresponds to an unowned lot, nothing happens. If the number corresponds to the player's own lot, they recieve a 50 mineral bonus. Send the money
Z e r oIf the number corresponds to Lot Zero, they recieve a bonus spin. They can either take 50 minerals or can generate another number as follows:
0: 300 Mineral Bonus
1-10: -50 Minerals
11-20: Nothing
21-30: 50 Minerals (0 gain)
31-40: Store item: View Other's Warn Level
41-50: Store item: Random Money
51-55: Option to destroy another member's lot (limit 1 until used)
56-60: Protection from lot destruction for remainer of round
61-70: Free lot in next round
71-75: Option to buy a second lot in current round
76-80: Your lot collects double for the remainder of the round
81-90: Nothing
91-98: -50 Minerals
99: 300 Mineral Bonus
B a n k r u p t c yShould a player run out of minerals, thier lot will no longer collect until they have sufficent funds. Nor can thier lot collect when another player gets that number. It is treated as an unused lot except that it cannot be purchased.
R e s e tLots are reset every month. While you can join at any time, it might not be cost-effective to join towards the end of a month. This gives chances for major changes or creation of additional lots, etc.