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Staredit Network -> Staff Lounge -> SEN Lots
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2004-12-06 at 17:47:58
Okay, here's the funky new SEN game. Let's boogie.

.L o t s
There are 100 "lots", ordered from 0 through 99. A "lot" is a piece of property that can be owned by any SENer playing the game. Any one unoccupied lot can be purchased by a member for 50 minerals. A member can only own one lot, multiple accounts are not permitted. Lots are sold on a first come, first serve basis. If two players purchase the same lot, the first request recieves it. Lot Zero cannot be purchased. Additional lots can be created after resets as I see fit.

.M o n e y
Every day, I use a random number generator for each player. They range from 0 through 99. Each number corresponds to the lot of the same number. If that lot is owned by another player, you are charged 10 minerals and that player gains 10 minerals. If the number corresponds to an unowned lot, nothing happens. If the number corresponds to the player's own lot, they recieve a 50 mineral bonus. Send the money here.

.Z e r o
If the number corresponds to Lot Zero, they recieve a bonus spin. They can either take 50 minerals or can generate another number as follows:
0: 300 Mineral Bonus
1-10: -50 Minerals
11-20: Nothing
21-30: 50 Minerals (0 gain)
31-40: Store item: View Other's Warn Level
41-50: Store item: Random Money
51-55: Option to destroy another member's lot (limit 1 until used)
56-60: Protection from lot destruction for remainer of round
61-70: Free lot in next round
71-75: Option to buy a second lot in current round
76-80: Your lot collects double for the remainder of the round
81-90: Nothing
91-98: -50 Minerals
99: 300 Mineral Bonus

.B a n k r u p t c y
Should a player run out of minerals, thier lot will no longer collect until they have sufficent funds. Nor can thier lot collect when another player gets that number. It is treated as an unused lot except that it cannot be purchased.

.R e s e t
Lots are reset every month. While you can join at any time, it might not be cost-effective to join towards the end of a month. This gives chances for major changes or creation of additional lots, etc.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2004-12-06 at 18:34:55
What if there are less than 99 players?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2004-12-06 at 20:06:46
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Dec 6 2004, 05:47 PM)
If the number corresponds to an unowned lot, nothing happens.[right][snapback]107300[/snapback][/right]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-12-07 at 08:44:19
Somewhat confusing... I had to read it like 4 times to understand it. I'm sure a lot of the members would have more trouble.
I don't see how you could possibly have the patience to do that all manually... each day... and I surely don't want to cover for you if you aren't online every day.
Creating a core script to do it all automatically shouldn't be that hard with some time... It might be quite annoying though. I wanna see you try smile.gif.

I would suggest having 0 be an automatic roll in the bonus section (especially if you script it) for a bunch of reasons (waiting for member response especially). 0 does have some awesome prizes though, so I don't see why anyone wouldn't risk it.
With the bonuses, does a free lot = two lots if they pay for one?
The option to destroy another lot should be confined to the same round.
I would also suggest a way for members to loose money... Individuals would loose money to other people, yes, but after that initial 50 mineral payment, it's just money being gained and floating around. I don't know... perhaps us godly admins / bolt could pick a lot each and if they land on that number, they loose 20 minerals. Maybe?

I'd rather have you make a script do everything automatically then try to do it manually. Manual games are like for little members trying to scam for money only to get their topic pwned.

Yeah... the more I think all of it, the more I think it should just be scripted. Double check your sql queries when testing scripts and back up the members table beforehand also... or create a mock members table for tests.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2004-12-07 at 17:15:21
I really would do it all manually. I'd like a test run before I go on coding it. I could probably do the random generation fairly easily.
Also, I would revise the instructions for the posting.
I'll open it up to the members once I get some time to type it up nice.
I don't really think the losing minerals is cool. They're already paying 50 to buy the lot itself. Nothing stopping you from buying a lot yourself.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-12-07 at 20:24:06
A 2 or 3 chance out of 100 is rather small for loosing minerals...

I don't know... this whole mineral system is so f'ed up... Minerals are only valuable up to a certain point and then when you buy everything, they serve no purpose but even then, they aren't good enough for armies...

Plus, firefox users can't even enjoy most of the effects of items bought. So while you paid 2,000 for a glow, only 75% of users can see it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2004-12-07 at 20:59:44
Well, I refined the rules some more. Take a read. Balanced out the Zero effect a lot as well. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-12-07 at 21:09:06
Well... if you wanna do a test run before coding it, go ahead then...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-12-09 at 09:39:26
Omgozzorz... "Sen Lots" in three forums. Lol.

Anyways, you could have easily coded your statisics page into php without the need for repetive coding... even without a database. Something like
$bought_lots = ( [3] => Faz-, [83] => Isolated Purity, etc)
for (i = 0, i > 100, i++){
echo "<tr><td>" . $i . "</td><td>";
if ($bought_lots[$i] != "") echo $bought_lots[$i];
else echo "<font size=-1>Unowned</font>";
echo "</td></tr>";

Yeah, it would have been slightly more complicated to add the other columns, but not really. If not a multidimensional array, you could have cheesed it and added more single arrays.

Anyways... your project when you have some free time is to create a table (ibf_lots) with columns member_id, bomb, shield, xtra_lot, etc for your stats page and insert your data into there. Use query joins to join your table with ibf_members to get member names (and for your more finished script, member's points). Place your .php file in sources/moose/ and add the line of code in index.php to enable your script to run.

I spent like 6 hours just learning how to get a blank page to run within sen... I don't it'll take you that long, but just getting started will be the most time consuming part smile.gif.
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