Well I understand that when a Program is accepted into the download database a thread is automaticly created in the Tech Support seciton.
Does this mean that you only want those threads there?
If so shouldn't we disable creating threads there and make a disclaimer stating that new threads are not allowed and that you should reply to the existing ones?
Also If So, should i just lock all the tech support threads I see In Mapping assitance with a link to the thread in Tech Support. I know alot of threads are simply moved there.
Thanks, I'm kinda confused on the issue.
Threads automaticaly created are the ones with files in DLDB/Files/Staredit Editor, Program or Other.
people aren't really supposed to be creating threads there, there is already a thread for every program in the DLDB. but I say don't disable the ability to create threads because for instance people might ask for help for something not in the DLDB.
Threads aren't supposed to be moved there either... it's unnecessary. If it so happens in an extreme case where there's a logical reason for a new topic to start, we'll start it.
So should I just lock the Tech Support Threads when people make them and point out where it should be? (assuming there is a place, like in most cases)
Should we merge the existing threads there?
I think we should have a disclaimer instructing people to reply to the threads about the programs instead of creating a new thread. (kinda like how we have the topic title disclaimer in the Mapping Assistance forum)
People can't create threads there.
Unless moose changed something within the last two days.
You're lucky if I even go into Technical Support.