- Change the name of the Map Team to "DLDB Team" or "DLDB Keepers" or something like that. People are asking me to help them with maps and they think that Map Team are like an official SEN Mapmaking team.
Which do want beer?
- Delete the "Staredit Network Featured Maps" forum. No one has posted there and no one views those threads.
I thought about it when I removed the "confirmed bugs" forum out of feedback. Having an automatic topic starter for technical support is fine but having a forum for the featured maps seems pointless. Whatcha think moose? (the forum!!! not the catagory)
- Make it so that people can't submit maps under the "Use Map Settings" category. Not the one in featured maps but the other one.
The "Use Map Settings" catagory that is supposed to only be a header? I was going to change all the header type catagories to being unselectable but then I saw Yoshi had a sound wav in the sound wav catagory header so I just left them be.
I'll do that soon enough though.
BTW: IP when will you finish coding unban, temp ban and stuff like that in DLDB?
When I feel like coding it...
which was today! Temp ban doesn't work fully yet because I didn't make the seperate script to remove the bannings from the table.
I have a killer idea though... for every instance of bannings / warnings / etc... it'll automatically append it to the member's notes!
Member Notes for health (pure example):
11/03/04 : Warn Level Increased ~ Spamming Forums
11/10/04 : Banned From DLDB ~ Spamming with duplicate maps.
11/20/04 : Isolated Purity adds :: God I really hate this kids attitude.
and etc. That'll be sexy, wouldn't it? By the way, as of yet, you don't see the member's notes section (although, I haven't fully implemented it yet)... which just brings up something I kinda had on my mind...
If you wish to be a global, I'll make you one. I wouldn't expect you to mod forums and could careless if you didn't do anything specific with your powers other than use the member's notes. It's more like a better position out of high standing (pwner of the DLDB section) and respect and what not. You really don't deserve to be in a catagory where I haven't seen anything productive come out of besides what came from you

- Thanks to DK for the info. Oo.Mario.oO is the same guy as Health. He has 2 registered accounts on SEN.
Ooooo... Moosey, did you do anything after you cracked your knuckles? Or are you leaving that up to me?
Has he been using this 2nd account to spam the DLDB more?