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Staredit Network -> Staff Lounge -> omfg...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-06 at 07:38:23
Alrighty, moosey, I was working on the script for sen lots like yesterday and then my isp went out for 20 hours or so.
For what I have.

And... It's snowing so bad... I was scared censored.gif less to drive home.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-01-06 at 10:08:47
Rolled a 78 and you landed on 78 owned by Shmeeps! (-10 minerals)

The text seems like it could be better.
Rolled a 78 which is owned by Shmeeps! (-10 minerals!)

If you rolled a 78 it is pretty obvious that you landed on a 78. Same with the 99 which was rolled.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-06 at 10:16:33
See... i stuck in the "and Rolled 99!!" because I didn't script the actions for 99, so I just put some crappy result in there. Just like for rolling 0.

But yeah, you're right about the "Rolled a 78 and you landed on 78 owned by Shmeeps!" (-10 minerals) part.

I never said it was done smile.gif. Right now I'm contemplating how to code in all the multitude of weird bonuses you get for rolling 0.

IE, for some reason, shows the results in a blue font... that will be fixxed too.

Anyways moosey, about the whole bankruptcy thing.... What if, if the user goes into negative minerals, the minerals taken away are doubled instead. I'm guessing the main reason you had this whole thing in there was because you couldn't fine a member into a negative amount, but it really won't apply in the script.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-01-06 at 15:45:59
I really intended to have a look like the old SEN lots, with a nice table. Scrolling through tons of unorganized crap wasn't really intended. :/
I wouldn't mind doing the bonus rolls manually, it isn't that often. Just send out a generic PM.
Looks very nice so far. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-07 at 13:28:33
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707)
I really intended to have a look like the old SEN lots, with a nice table. Scrolling through tons of unorganized crap wasn't really intended. :/

? If you have a better layout in mind, just tell me.

QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707)
I wouldn't mind doing the bonus rolls manually, it isn't that often. Just send out a generic PM.

See the problem with that is if you get the item for a free lot for next round, it HAS to be scripted in.
These bonuses sure are a biatch though smile.gif. It's like scripting rules and then having to script in a way to break the rules.

QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707)
Looks very nice so far. smile.gif

And the code is even sexier. I'm definately seeing my skills evolve. You can see a big change from the tutorials script to this one. You can use the script as a small reference if you still plan on coding your own.
BTW, there's an icon missing for the specials... I forget what it is...

Edit: Ah yes... The second lot doesn't have an icon.
Well, if X2 is supposed to be the second lot... than... double money doesn't have an icon.

Another thing, does double money only double the money when people land on the lot or in every occurance of gaining money?
If double money affects when people land on the lot, does it also take away double the money?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-01-07 at 17:19:04
Double money means it collects double when someone else rolls it. We can make it so that they only lose the original 10, I guess.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-07 at 23:56:31
So if you dropped the price down to 25, does that change how much you get for landing on your own lot?

What about all the other +'s?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-01-08 at 02:11:19
Everything else stays the same except collecting from somebody hitting your lot.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-09 at 19:32:27
I think you misunderstood me (thinking I was still talking about x2 bonuses)
It used to cost 50 to buy a lot, and when you landed on your own lot, you were rewarded 50 minerals...
So if it costs 25 to buy a lot now, does it give you 25 minerals when you land on your own lot then?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-01-10 at 18:34:45
Yeah, you can reduce that. I was talking about the collect double bonus.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-12 at 09:32:47
Almost done...

Improved the code slightly and did some bug testing.
Any suggestions yet moose?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-01-12 at 19:57:03
Use the table format that I was going to. :/
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