/sources/register.php -> Registration is now limited to ( ) . - _
If you have any other characters you think should be allowed, say so. Also made the skin more beautiful:
/sources/boards.php -> New activity equation and general cleaning up of the script as a whole (making functions of common stuff between cat / sub cat). The new equation is super sexy. It takes the last 30 unique member's posts and assigns a value from 0.5 to 2.5 for each post within the last 5 days. It then takes the last 10 topics and does the same with 0.5 to 2.0. Finally, to get the last 10% activity score, there has to be currently 10 sessions in the forum (might change this one).
And Sala was talking about how the clans aren't very active in their forums based on activity %.
Anyways, if you can think of any other ways to judge how active a forum is, tell me.
Well, the one flaw is it uses three queries per forum

. I'll delete the sessions later on and maybe make activity an attribute rather than a calculation.
Edit ~ I deleted the sessions query, but maybe... somehow cache the results? I haven't attempted to do anything with query cacheing as of yet though.
/skin_cache/cacheid_5/skin_global.php -> If not a member, member nav bar displays this:
Member Navigation Disabled.
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