Omg... you deleted the arcade from the top menu
We really need to figure out some type of new layout... the mods are flooding it. I was thinking of somehow putting all the games in one new section. It'll cause people to have to click twice but.... Cleaning the navigation is getting really necessary.
Shoutbox link can also be dropped (maybe?).
Either that or we do what does and write a script to do drop down menus.
Apparently, doing installation scripts for some mods automaticly rebuild the skin cache, which is not good at all. Apparently, while running an installation script it did just that, and reset your progress on your shoutbox modifications (you will need to reupload) sad.gif
Mods really don't need to mess with rebuilding the cache...
A mod comes with their own skin file to upload and if they make changes to files they don't "own", they give you the steps on what bits to change... Changing the cache file or the template bits via admin cp is no different.
However! I have the perfect solution.
Make a list here of the exist skin cache ID and filename you do NOT want recached. Then, CHMOD the files on the server to 755. It will deny access to rewrite the file, thus making it uneffected.
See... back when I first started at sen, I tried editing the skins in the admin cp. Any changes I made didn't show up because I didn't know I had to rebuild the cache. I eventually stumbled up the cache folder and noticed those files were what really mattered.
Once I found out there was a rebuild cache button, the cache folder didn' t have the chmod permissions to be able to rebuild the cache... I just thought it was broken.
Later on... I figured it all out. But after making some slight changes to the templates and then figuring out how to do it the "right" way, it was already too late. Not that I cared anymore, editing the files directly is so much easier because:
1. It's faster
2. You can use your editor directly (and I love my editor).
----- You can change things a little at a time for debugging purposes
----- You can undo massive amounts of changes
3. Searching through all the skins for something specific is easier (if your editor has a "Find in Files" function)
4. More convienent, no
ty interface... you don't have to make a billionizon clicks or invidiually load everything.
5. While editing a script in it's entirity, it's only natural to load the skin right next to it and move between the two files as they exchange data (this is especially true!).
The admin cp would be ESPECIALLY annoying when you do huge amounts of changes. If I had to use the admin cp while doing a mod of a mod (lol) or making my own script, I would go insane. Changing what values are passed into the skin would be even more annoying.
Productivity increases furthermore if your ftp client can bookmark folders for you (faster switching between cache folder and sources folder
Just edit my post so its all under one place. The following files below can ONLY be rewritten through downloading off the FTP and making changes locally on your computer in some text editor. The rest of the entires MUST be changed in admin cp, or all of your changes will be lost when we recache.
How about we do it the opposite way... CHMOD all the files we have to edit in the admin cp?
I just don't comprehend how you could manage doing template changes via acp.
Additional (random) stuff:
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist. Refreshing the page won't make it exist."
Just one thing... the title bar says 403.
Another thing, do you think we could pull of a reseller account thing? When I was first setting up, our host saw a news item about me fixxing various bugs and removing the hosting page was one of them. He messaged me saying he could set one up for me if I chose... I declined for various reasons.
Later on... there was an update with new features our server will be adding, one of them is reseller accounts...
So if we could pull it off, it would be an easy +bandwidth (we are getting around 90gigs / month ~~ so far in january: 30 gigs / 12 days) and +space without paying too much extra hopefully.
I just don't like how it could be a variable income for the site's hosting fees, which might be considerably larger if we switched to a reseller account.
Btw, the customer service rep (or whatever... I usually refere to him as our host because he is our source of contact with our host) chills in our IRC channel frequently. Tyler, screen name; TySoft, if you ever need to contact him and I'm not available.
Alternatively, we could set up some shared email account and change all the server info to that account and then you could just open tickets with that email / pass.