Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Staff Lounge -> lolozzzz0rzz (DT_BK's bank)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-12 at 04:14:41
His Minerals: 12,217

Member Accounts
Name ------------------- Minerals -------- Next Interest
BeeR_KeG[eM] --------------- 4767 ----------------- 48 (pwned)
NeoNightmareX ------------- 815 ---------------- 8
urmom ------------------------- 965 ----------------- 10
Paella ------------------------- 9609 ------------------- 96
{TM} ----------------------------- 155 -------------------- 2
LegacyWeapon -------------- 2137 ------------------ 21 (pwned)
Shadow-Ninja ------------------ 305 -------------------- 3 (pwned)
chestday ----------------------- 34 -------------------- 1
ChaosRyder ------------------- 287 ------------------- 3 (pwned)
007Torrasque ----------------- 65 -------------------- 1
Kow --------------------------- 349 ------------------- 3
Total -------------------- 14434 ----------------- 135

Paella ---- 9109
BeeR_KeG[eM] ---- 4249
LegacyWeapon ---- 1637
urmom --- 465
neoNightmareX --- 315

Kow --- 349
Shadow-Ninja --- 305
ChaosRyder --- 287
.{TM}. ---- 0 (155 of 155 refunded)
007Torrasque ---- 65
chestday ---- 0 (34 of 34 refunded)

Name (#) -------------- Minerals --- Loan Dues --- Plan --- When is it Due?
ShinRa_Soldier -------------------- 1500 -------- 1725 ------ 3 Month (15% int.) -- Feb. 30
Dye Eliminator -------------------- 5000 ------- 5600 ------- 3 month --------- Mar. 24
ES_Ghost -------------------------- 4000 ------- 4210 -------- 7 day ----------- Jan 10
Total ---------------------------- 10500 ---------- 11535 ----------- XXX --- XXX

12217 (current) + 11535 (loans) = 23752
Members have 17232 minerals in his account.
Even IF Shinra pays... dt_bk is still looking at 3290 he doesn't have to pay his members.

It's just too bad 9000 minerals from the loans were given out to members who are relatively (well maybe EXTREMELY) new and have very low post counts.
So DT_BK censored.gif ed up.

I hereby file suit against ES_Ghost for the sum of 4210 Minerals. He took out a loan from the bank; agree to the terms, and never returned the money. he ignored my PM about it and obviously squandered the money. Three screenshots as evidence.

(all you have to do is set him to -4210 and give me the 4210 if you're wondering)

At first, I was going to give him the minerals back with the condition he closes the bank. Looking into the matter more right now, I can see how extremely fu.cked he is.

So, what do you think should be done? Considering DT_BK's foolishness in the matter, I believe I've changed my mind on what I was willing to do for him. What sounds reasonable:

Do nothing and sit back and enjoy the chaos.
Reimburse DT_BK and close down the bank (optional: and then set his minerals to 0)
Let DT_BK's minerals go into the extreme negatives and reimburse members to various degrees.
Set everyone's minerals of the involved to -10,000 (joking).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-12 at 09:13:48
Chances are, the people who got loans already spent it. Give whatever money the loaners have to DT, and thats it. Adding more will just screw up the SEN economy.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-01-12 at 10:56:36
Now you know why I'm not using him as a bank. He's like the US government with Retirement money.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-12 at 15:03:43
oh... another -7000 minerals due to his tournament hosting
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-01-12 at 15:05:14
I told him lending him money to all those new people would be a waste. I saw one of those make up a massive army in SCArmies and he ended up deleting it the next day and he didn't even sell his weapons.

I sugegst taking all the minerals of all those people and give them back to the bank. Then just give the money to all the members but to some extent.

IE: If DT_BK has 85% of the total money then you give everyone 85%.

But then again it's not our fault he failed, he did an error giving so many minerals to some gay users that wanted to get big time minerals in ScArmies and then they quit. Or they wanted a glowy name or something like that.

Another option is to take all those people who own loans(the own money and they should pay) and DT_BK(he did an error giving money to those people who were bound to never come back), you just take the missing money from all of them and set their accounts into the negatives.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-01-12 at 15:29:42
You're only saying that because you use him as a bank.

Why waste the time? He got himself into this mess and everyone made the mistake of giving him their money. Let him sort it out himself.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-12 at 16:15:36
I agree. Just moderate if it gets out of control, but people have to learn from their mistakes.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-01-12 at 20:12:27
How about we repay him, let him keep the bank, but change the interest and loan rules. Also give any member the option to leave the bank free of charge. In fact, I'll post that offer now.

Also, keeping an alternative record of the bank stats here, including those who I bailed out. Just in case he tries to sabotage the records.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-12 at 23:30:24
uh... no
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-01-12 at 23:31:53
Thats what I said to him on AIM after he posted. There's no stopping Moose once he's made up his mind though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-12 at 23:41:55
he already did

moose... give me a list of every edit you made
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-13 at 13:55:10
Oh wow... Moose, you were doing research on the whole take out a loan and disappear thing.
Check this out:

ES_Ghost won the raffle for last week.
Es_Ghost also planted some kiwi's... Look at the creators kiwi information:
Player.........................Kiwi Creation Days
ES_Ghost........................19 (Note: Forwarding all kiwis to Shadow-Ninja.)

Both Shadow and Ghost have like 0 minerals.

Checking out the ip for shadow ninja, we get:
Alex Stukov 3 30th December 2004 - 05:21 PM
ES_Nuke 0 25th December 2004 - 01:34 PM
ES_Ghost 7 6th December 2004 - 12:33 AM

Members using that IP when POSTING
Name Email IP First Used View Post
Shadow-Ninja Yesterday, 08:30 PM
View Post
Alex Stukov 3rd January 2005 - 07:21 PM
View Post
ES_Ghost 6th December 2004 - 10:50 PM
View Post

Members using that IP when VOTING
Name Email IP First Used View Poll
ES_Ghost 6th December 2004 - 10:58 PM
View Poll
Shadow-Ninja 4th December 2004 - 10:23 PM
View Poll

Alex = 3117
Ghost = 2838
Ninja = 1895
es_nuke = 3066

Here's some store logs:
Edit Delete 558 Sent 187 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1103441440
Edit Delete 537 Sent 46 To SA_Max71 1895 donate_m 1103182600
Edit Delete 462 Sent 16 To DT_Battlekruser 1895 donate_m 1102377695
Edit Delete 473 Sent 24 To DT_Battlekruser 2838 donate_m 1102565159
Edit Delete 498 Sent 27 To ES_Ghost 1895 donate_m 1102873896
Edit Delete 499 Sent 18 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1102874075
Edit Delete 506 Sent 60 To DT_Battlekruser 1895 donate_m 1102970747
Edit Delete 599 Sent 194 To DT_Battlekruser 1895 donate_m 1103597001
Edit Delete 601 Sent 3 To LegacyWeapon 2838 donate_m 1103608475
Edit Delete 602 Sent 12 To ES_Ghost 1895 donate_m 1103653266
Edit Delete 605 Sent 25 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1103680115
Edit Delete 609 Sent 1 To LegacyWeapon 1895 donate_m 1103684330
Edit Delete 639 Sent 67 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1104003039
Edit Delete 640 Sent 66 To ES_Nuke 1895 donate_m 1104003716
Edit Delete 641 Sent 50 To DT_Battlekruser 1895 donate_m 1104003945
Edit Delete 645 Sent 150 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1104198499
Edit Delete 646 Sent 110 To Shadow-Ninja 3066 donate_m 1104198634
Edit Delete 681 Sent 11 To LegacyWeapon 1895 donate_m 1104796728
Edit Delete 688 Sent 65 To ES_Nuke 3066 donate_m 1104852867
Edit Delete 689 Sent 53 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1104853150
Edit Delete 690 Sent 11 To Shadow-Ninja 3117 donate_m 1104853263
Edit Delete 697 Sent 1245 To ES_Nuke 2838 donate_m 1104905977
Edit Delete 698 Sent 745 To Alex Stukov 3066 donate_m 1104906043
Edit Delete 699 Sent 245 To Shadow-Ninja 3117 donate_m 1104906090
Edit Delete 705 Sent 134 To ES_Nuke 2838 donate_m 1104957177
Edit Delete 706 Sent 221 To Alex Stukov 3066 donate_m 1104957408
Edit Delete 707 Sent 206 To Shadow-Ninja 3117 donate_m 1104957535
Edit Delete 710 Sent 3585 To ES_Nuke 2838 donate_m 1105072253
Edit Delete 711 Sent 3585 To Alex Stukov 3066 donate_m 1105072338
Edit Delete 712 Sent 3585 To Shadow-Ninja 3117 donate_m 1105072473

Only analyzing the last part...
Ghost sent 3585 minerals to ES_Nuke...
ES_Nuke sent 3585 minerals to Alex...
Alex sent 3585 minerals to shadow-ninja.
(later on: this especially establishes a connection between ghost and ninja)

Shadow and Alex both have 2 : 1 pets (respectively)
But special note on shadow's pet which has 1221 hp.

Didn't check to logs for explicit activity, but shadow ninja does have a nice army as well.

Well... editing this post, I did check SOME army logs... check this out: turns atkid defid atkdamage defdamage
5769 1104905517 54 15 1895 2838 6704 230
5768 1104905512 43 15 1895 2838 6292 233
5767 1104905508 51 15 1895 2838 7013 303
5766 1104905504 73 15 1895 2838 5877 206
5765 1104905500 68 15 1895 2838 7774 280

A secret way to transfer money I'm sure. (ghost <-> ninja connection from store logs)

Now moose... don't REACT yet. Sheesh.

SQL queries pwn.

And I feel a major pwning coming on.

On a side note:
Shadow-Ninja ------------------ 305 -------------------- 3 (pwned)
Good job moose ermm.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-01-13 at 14:51:59
Alex Stukov and ES_Ghost are the same guy without a doubt. They have the same e-mail except one fo them has a 1 and the other doesn't.

The other guys might be brothers or something like that, but they are definetly abusing the system.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-13 at 14:55:08
Doubt it...
I was a little hesitant to do anything at first... but the deeper and deeper I'm getting into this, the more positive I become.

Ghost sent 3585 minerals to ES_Nuke...
ES_Nuke sent 3585 minerals to Alex...
Alex sent 3585 minerals to shadow-ninja.

So brother sends money to brother2 who sends it back to brother1 and then sends it to shadow ninja...

It just wouldn't make sense. It's like trying to pass the money around to confuse any light browsing of the logs. I know exactly what they are doing.

It WOULD be nice if the acp wasn't censored.gif ed up... yoshi ermm.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-01-13 at 14:58:43
I wouldn't doubt if those two accounts were owned by Moose. He is a big fan of the Stukov ghost and the clan ES wears their tages with a [es] on the end, not like a ES_. So it could stand for something like extra special ghost. Which is Stukov in Mooses mind.

I'm just trying to figure out how Moose maskes his IP so it looks like he's in Florida. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-01-13 at 15:08:56
We can see that they are the same guy though. They have the same IP address and yes it's posible to use public computers like at a library. But what are the chances of 4 people log onto SEN via the same exact computer always?

BTW: Why would Moose do this? The only very little thing that gives out Moose is that he is refunding everyone. Might be to cover up those accounts or to not penalize those accounts, but this is true if what Chu said is true.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-13 at 16:09:13
Doesn't have to be the same computer, just the same network with one ip gateway. It really doesn't matter though if it is 4 people in an organized gang-bang-dtbk-clan or if it's 1 person...

Lol... I highly doubt moose would do this... he could just give himself minerals.


Dye Eliminator Situation:
Dye Eliminator recieves 5000 minerals on December(?) 24th

Ip matches:
ChaosRyder 2611
Dye Eleminator 2541
Ryder 2137

Coicidence that ChoasRyder and Ryder have the same ip address?
And that Dye + Choas both have "webmaster@*.*.st"?

Choas sends 4660 minerals to dt_bk
Buys Glowing Title (1200 minerals)
Dt_BK sends Chaos 4600 back
Buys Glowing Name (2200 minerals)

So Chaos, roughly, has at least 5800 minerals on him... with 128 posts and no raffle winnings.

Store Logs:
Sent 4600 To ChaosRyder 2541 donate_m
2541 = Dye Eleminator... need I say more?

I retrived 551 minerals from ChaosRyder's account.

ChaosRyder ------------------- 287 ------------------- 3 (pwned) ermm.gif


I would like to know how chill managed to buy 19 raffle tickets when the maximum is 10. Anyone know anything?


What the censored.gif ?


Seriously... I want to deal with this myself.
Don't take any actions, although, you can give evil suggestions smile.gif.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-01-13 at 16:21:21
I tried to buy over 10 tickets and I couldn't find any way.

Random usres wouldn't give other users money because they want to. It's either becasue they are same person or they know that person in real life.

Why would people keep swaping thousands of minerals between them? It's pretty obvious they same person trying to get more money or friends abusing the system.

Either way they doing something wrong. I wouldn't give someone all my minerals just like that becasue someone needs them even if it was my best friend at SEN.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-01-13 at 17:35:54
You know, if the admin panel worked I could check the logs myself. What happened to all the extended modules' options?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-13 at 19:56:00
My fault, I accidentally uploaded the initial admin pages file, and im awaiting for IP to put the changes back in and fix my screwup.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mr.Camo on 2005-01-16 at 02:49:48
I should become a Loan Shark here. >_>
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