Oh wow... Moose, you were doing research on the whole take out a loan and disappear thing.
Check this out:
ES_Ghost won the raffle for last week.
Es_Ghost also planted some kiwi's... Look at the creators kiwi information:
Player.........................Kiwi Creation Days
ES_Ghost........................19 (Note: Forwarding all kiwis to Shadow-Ninja.)Shadow-Ninja...................19
Both Shadow and Ghost have like 0 minerals.
Checking out the ip for shadow ninja, we get:
Alex Stukov alexstukov1@hotmail.com 3 30th December 2004 - 05:21 PM
ES_Nuke alexstukov@hotmail.com 0 25th December 2004 - 01:34 PM
ES_Ghost gaiaslave1@hotmail.com 7 6th December 2004 - 12:33 AM
Members using that IP when POSTING
Name Email IP First Used View Post
Shadow-Ninja dragonlegand@hotmail.com Yesterday, 08:30 PM
View Post
Alex Stukov alexstukov1@hotmail.com 3rd January 2005 - 07:21 PM
View Post
ES_Ghost gaiaslave1@hotmail.com 6th December 2004 - 10:50 PM
View Post
Members using that IP when VOTING
Name Email IP First Used View Poll
ES_Ghost gaiaslave1@hotmail.com 6th December 2004 - 10:58 PM
View Poll
Shadow-Ninja dragonlegand@hotmail.com 4th December 2004 - 10:23 PM
View Poll
Alex = 3117
Ghost = 2838
Ninja = 1895
es_nuke = 3066
Here's some store logs:
Edit Delete 558 Sent 187 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1103441440
Edit Delete 537 Sent 46 To SA_Max71 1895 donate_m 1103182600
Edit Delete 462 Sent 16 To DT_Battlekruser 1895 donate_m 1102377695
Edit Delete 473 Sent 24 To DT_Battlekruser 2838 donate_m 1102565159
Edit Delete 498 Sent 27 To ES_Ghost 1895 donate_m 1102873896
Edit Delete 499 Sent 18 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1102874075
Edit Delete 506 Sent 60 To DT_Battlekruser 1895 donate_m 1102970747
Edit Delete 599 Sent 194 To DT_Battlekruser 1895 donate_m 1103597001
Edit Delete 601 Sent 3 To LegacyWeapon 2838 donate_m 1103608475
Edit Delete 602 Sent 12 To ES_Ghost 1895 donate_m 1103653266
Edit Delete 605 Sent 25 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1103680115
Edit Delete 609 Sent 1 To LegacyWeapon 1895 donate_m 1103684330
Edit Delete 639 Sent 67 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1104003039
Edit Delete 640 Sent 66 To ES_Nuke 1895 donate_m 1104003716
Edit Delete 641 Sent 50 To DT_Battlekruser 1895 donate_m 1104003945
Edit Delete 645 Sent 150 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1104198499
Edit Delete 646 Sent 110 To Shadow-Ninja 3066 donate_m 1104198634
Edit Delete 681 Sent 11 To LegacyWeapon 1895 donate_m 1104796728
Edit Delete 688 Sent 65 To ES_Nuke 3066 donate_m 1104852867
Edit Delete 689 Sent 53 To Shadow-Ninja 2838 donate_m 1104853150
Edit Delete 690 Sent 11 To Shadow-Ninja 3117 donate_m 1104853263
Edit Delete 697 Sent 1245 To ES_Nuke 2838 donate_m 1104905977
Edit Delete 698 Sent 745 To Alex Stukov 3066 donate_m 1104906043
Edit Delete 699 Sent 245 To Shadow-Ninja 3117 donate_m 1104906090
Edit Delete 705 Sent 134 To ES_Nuke 2838 donate_m 1104957177
Edit Delete 706 Sent 221 To Alex Stukov 3066 donate_m 1104957408
Edit Delete 707 Sent 206 To Shadow-Ninja 3117 donate_m 1104957535
Edit Delete 710 Sent 3585 To ES_Nuke 2838 donate_m 1105072253
Edit Delete 711 Sent 3585 To Alex Stukov 3066 donate_m 1105072338
Edit Delete 712 Sent 3585 To Shadow-Ninja 3117 donate_m 1105072473Only analyzing the last part...
Ghost sent 3585 minerals to ES_Nuke...
ES_Nuke sent 3585 minerals to Alex...
Alex sent 3585 minerals to shadow-ninja.
(later on: this especially establishes a connection between ghost and ninja)
Shadow and Alex both have 2 : 1 pets (respectively)
But special note on shadow's pet which has 1221 hp.
Didn't check to logs for explicit activity, but shadow ninja does have a nice army as well.
Well... editing this post, I did check SOME army logs... check this out:
id........time...........money turns atkid defid atkdamage defdamage
5769 1104905517 54 15 1895 2838 6704 230
5768 1104905512 43 15 1895 2838 6292 233
5767 1104905508 51 15 1895 2838 7013 303
5766 1104905504 73 15 1895 2838 5877 206
5765 1104905500 68 15 1895 2838 7774 280
A secret way to transfer money I'm sure. (ghost <-> ninja connection from store logs)
Now moose... don't REACT yet. Sheesh.
SQL queries pwn.
And I feel a major pwning coming on.
On a side note:
Shadow-Ninja ------------------ 305 -------------------- 3 (pwned)
Good job moose