Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Staff Lounge -> SEN v3.1
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-22 at 22:40:02
Alright, using IPs new dropdowns, I can make the SEN header half of what it was before while still keeping all of the links. This way, everything will be more organized.

So, run your opinions past me. I am NOT making a new layout. This one is absolutely fine. So keep in mine that your opinions will not change anything major.

Heres where everything will go:
  • Live Channel Broadcast - Top Right
  • Account Features - Registered: (New PMs, UserCP, AdminCP, Logout) Unregistered: (Login, Register) - Under the channel broacast in one line links
  • Navigation - Will hold everything else - in the bar that states "navigation".
  • Location - The 'Staredit Network > Staredit Network Functions > Administration" thing - Under Navigation links.
  • Rest of the content under that.

No, it wont be a valk, and I'll restore the streching banner thingy too (this is just the older PS file im using).

Find or make a picture for me with something else besides the hydralisk if you dont want it.

Okay, heres SEN 3.1...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-23 at 08:07:28
The double lines x2 doesn't look good.
I'm not exactly sure what the drop down menu script will all need as in space, but, there might be a minor image swap in there. The green navigation bar can be broken just before the bottom white line. From that point to another... 60ish pixels will be the swapped image. One as it is and one with the green bar's height extended twice as normal. Not exactly sure though.

Another issue is that the dropdowns don't really initialize until the page is done loading. The shoutbox in an iframe stalls this a lot (I think). I'm not sure what kind of effect the channel broadcast will do to the dropdowns... or maybe the dropdowns can be fixxed up a bit. I'll look into it better when I'm actually putting it into a real layout. Another thing that might improve it a little is hosting the bottom images from our site instead of using a paypal hosted image and whatever else for afflierate icons. Speed did seem to improve a little bit when I just blocked incoming images from their hosts.

# Account Features - Registered: (New PMs, UserCP, AdminCP, Logout) Unregistered: (Login, Register) - Under the channel broacast in one line links

Me thinks you'll need two lines for registered to make it look decent.

# Location - The 'Staredit Network > Staredit Network Functions > Administration" thing - Under Navigation links.

Does this mean under a dropdown menu or it's own instance?

I mentioned this before, but I'll say it again. It'll look a lot better if the hydralisk's right claw-thingy was on top of the staredit network thing. Kinda like a small 3d effect... i dunno, just my opinion, if you keep the hydra...

Perhaps shift the world up a little more.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-23 at 10:27:35
Which double line are you refering to, and how shall I fix it?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-23 at 12:33:38
Navigation bar...
White line
white line
white line
white line

Delete the last two white lines
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2005-01-23 at 14:37:42
Shouldn't it be v4.1?

That last blue version was v3 which I joined during that time
The green version is v4(this one)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-23 at 16:23:03
Thats right... its v4... I lost count.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-25 at 22:42:12
I think we should make the channel information a member option, off by default. Then in some page like an updated map night info, have the script there too. That way, people who love to know who's in the channel can see it every page, those who occasionally want to know can visit the page, and those who don't care don't have to see it / load it / etc won't have to.
If the option is off, the page will display something like:
(SEN Channel Update Off
Set viewing option here)

"here" would be linkage to my controls.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-25 at 23:05:35
Then there would be the text "Op' with nothing there tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-26 at 02:37:18
The little header? So? smile.gif It'll still be a nice placeholder.
And the little
"(Channel information off.
Set option here to view it in this box.)"
would be there.

Page loading times increase dramatically while using that... especially on IE. And the hortizantal bar is ugliness, although, probably could be fixxed. It just wouldn't be right to subject everyone to the higher page loads, especially guests, if they don't even visit the channel.

And... switching Map Night Info to something like "SEN Channel" or something sexy and having the script there as well as map night info and such and such would generate just as much popularity for the channel without damaging sen's impression on guests.

Furthermore, in this updated map night info page... a countdown timer that counts down to the time the official map night starts would be in there... smile.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-26 at 07:48:40
Oh! Oh! And we can set it to compatibility mode (IE) and transparency mode (firefox)

IE only likes having a black background.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-26 at 08:00:52
I bet transparency can be achieved in both IE and firefox...
But it would make it more sexy... have the names like white or something, make the scrollbar a greenish color with white outlines...

How did you make the iframe load it's own css or whatever?

Edit ~ Nevermind, found it. Transparency achieved (on skin 9). You just need the attribute allowTransparency="true" in the iframe tag.

I couldn't figure out how to make the scrollbars change colors, but, I didn't try too hard.

Anyways, check this out:
I bet we could make the navigation bar transparent without using an image. This means, the navigation bar can be expandable like I need it to be while having the image behind it show through.

<first part of the header>

<table style="background-image: navigation.gif">
<td><img src="whiteline"></td>
<td>Navigation menu w/ transparency css</td>
<td><img src="doublewhiteline.gif"></td>
Or something similiar.

This also means I wouldn't necessarily need any images for the drop down menu, I could probably do it the same way.
That page also taught me the '*' in CSS. I wonder if we could use it a little to trim down our massive CSS file smile.gif. Probably not.

Ah, the possibilities...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-26 at 12:46:47
I looked up the iframe tag on the internet, I never found anything on transparencies with IE.

Well, that changes things smile.gif

Actually, I got thinking. We should make the channel ON by default, so guests and new members can see that it exists. Then give the members the choice to disable it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-27 at 07:40:51
Looking sexier and sexier...

There is a fix for my .png problem, however, it requires some weird ass censored.gif I'm not even gonig to bother attempting, plus, I don't think it works with background-image css. So I'll change the color a bit, reduce the transparency more to get the same affect for firefox... and IE will just get the opaque image, but, it would still look nice.

The only problem I have is that new line you added. It just doesn't look like it belongs because of how it randomly runs up into the other white line.

My table's or whatever censored.gif ed up IE and I can't find why it's being gay... but, I'm going to start putting the menu scripts in, as well as the options... and so forth. Does the iframe get the option for a black background or is it just going to be on/off?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-27 at 12:34:47
You can change the CSS file to change the background.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2005-01-28 at 07:41:12
Ah... the frustration! ranting.gif
I can't get cookies to work for guests.
$std->my_setcookie("menu", "{$ibforums->input['menu']}|{$ibforums->input['browser']}"); should work but it doesn't. So until I (maybe you? smile.gif) find out how to give people cookies, I'm just going to set all guests as IE + no menus.

Usercp options are practically done. I just gotta rearrange the menus and such... I'm sure by the time you get online, we can release this beast. I'm going to wait till we're both online to do that smile.gif.

I'll throw in the channel iframe options later.

And uh... guests can't see the feedback and portal forums?

~Edit: Fixxed the guests thing, I didn't know if you intended that or not.

I believe everything is done except for a little tweaking later on (dynamic value of link location).

Now what about that image for higher resolution moniters? Like last time, it was units on snow terrain...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2005-01-28 at 11:16:09
Maybe temporarly you can turn off the menus using guest session.
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