Well lets get the basics first worked out. Yeah, that's kinda what I'm thinking of doing, but we'll get to that.
X X X X Gender: Female
X X X X Occupation: Nomadic Healer/Preacher
X X X X Speciality: Substance Analysis, background knowledge in healing substances.
X X X X Goal(s): Help to bring greater peace to the world, search out those who use Chemistry for evil purposes and try to stop them.
Comes from a long line of Nurses/Chemists/Healers. That is her speciality. Units she can create are relatively weak, requiring the actual healing element. She has a naturally viscious atitude but always ends up doing what is good/right. Is nomadic, roaming around the world trying to make it a better place by helping people and changing peoples minds about how chemistry should be used. When she stumbled on a group of chemists stealing rare substances she gets herself tangled in huge scheme to take over many influencial political and economical sites. She works undercover trying to uncover the ultimate goal of this sadistic organization and to bring it down from the inside out through it's members.
Not to good at this so uh, may need edit this lol.
Sydius (?)
X X X X Gender: Male
X X X X Occupation: Technology Smith (?)
X X X X Speciality: Creating better technology. (?)
X X X X Goal(s): To improve farming, To improve way we run life, Amoung few other things (?)
Comes from a family of Great Blacksmiths. Yet, his speciality is creating technology eg, Flint Rifle. He can create weapons of mass destruction as well as technology help in veryday life. Requires alot of metals, Rare substances as well as few sub-matters from within the earth. He is good at heart yet gets sidetracked very easy by other chemists. Most-time he is confusing person and very hard understand but is brillant at what he does. His ultimate goal is to show world how much easyer life would be to use Technology over dark ages of smithing. (?)
(?) - may need improvements and editing as well as few more things.
moogle that's pretty good, and i was thinking alyssia's name could be kara? more simpler and i like it
. As for my bio, I'll do it afterschool, because its 7:25 in the morning and im about to leave.
I would really want to help on this but I'm kinda busy with secret project :S
Anyway, I want to be a beta tester
I'll write some ideas here if I have any.
looks good so far... i hope to have time to play it soon
X X X X Gender: Male
X X X X Occupation: Thief
X X X X Speciality: Substance quality knowledge/ Well knowledge of illusion/deceptional chemistry.
X X X X Goal(s): This power hungry man only seeks to corrupt and use his knowledge of chemistry to harm anyone in his path to his own gains in life.
Basically he was child raised by bandits because his parents didn't want him. The bandits became his new family and raised him to be one of them. They taught him many things about illusion, and deception. When he was thirteen his new family was slain by the law men of the land. He escaped using his illusions and swore to destroy the authority figure.
Name: Alfonzo(Alberto or Roberto are good ones too)
Occupation: Traveling Teacher/ Equipment Designer
Goal: To Travel to all Over the World and Design the Best Items and Equipment for
Other Travelers.
Specialty: Sell/Design Equipment and Buildings
(Basically an architect/Construction Worker)
Background: His story is a sad tale. He does not know where he
is from, but he knows he came from a Place Far away. He took quickly
to Designing ways to Make Armor, Weapons, and Equipment. Once he
was Teenager he began making Drawing plans for making Buildings and
Monasteries. He Became well known in the town of Dalamunda
(you can change name) for Designing the Great Statue of Halfor Yom
(A King/ Ruler/ Great Mayor/ watevr)
His Master/ Mentor is a man he meant when he was Very Young and
Showed him that Making Items and Equipment, wasn't as amazing as
Designing the Best Ones Yourself and then Making them. His Master was
Kidnapped Fifteen years ago and not heard from sense.
Well how's that? Hope you like the little character i did, if not that's ok(no one pays attention to the non Uber/ Non Heard of guys). I don't want to be a Team member for the map, but it would be cool if you'd let me Beta Test
Goodluck with the map!
X X X X Gender: Unknown
X X X X Occupation: Theif, Mercenary, Assassian
X X X X Speciality: Stealth, Death magics/potions
X X X X Goal(s): Discover how to use chemistry to turn any element to gold, find a poison that can be used on a blade for a death touch.
Enter Braghn'kus, mercenary for hire. Much of its past is shrouded in mystery, as well as itsidentity. Braghn'kus usually finds pleasure in two things: accumulating wealth and the art of killing in the shadows. While in terms of alignment it is neutral, it will do what needs to be done to achieve its goals. This will include killings, lying, stealing, and vanishing after it all without a trace. Braghn'kus tends to be a maverick, with no allegiance to any groups. It tends to wander between people or groups needing its services and disappearing after it is no longer profitable. Braghn'kus, in his childhood, was taken in by a chemist and taught the arts of mixing verious concotions. Not seeing how it was profitable, it concealed its identity and soon sought to learn the ways of the rogue assassins. Killing its chemistry master, the only one who knew its identity, it has been working for itself ever since. The only knowledges of chemistry it uses are those aiding in the art of killing in stealth. But, it also actively seeks concoctions to turn common items into gold or legendary poisons which can be applied to a blade to make it instantly kill any foe.
QUOTE(chuiu_os @ Feb 8 2005, 11:34 PM)
One character:
Is out in a mission with a friend, the objective is to re-capture a large shipment of goods(alchemy materials) for a country they work for. When this person's friend betrays them and takes the shipment "elsewhere".
The following missions are based on tracing where this previous trusted ally has gone and why. This leads to finding out that the enemy (in the ultimate objective) has been manipulating chemists all around to join his force of evil. And his previous ally was once one of them. This character then teams up with the newly formed allies (other players in game) to achieve the ultimate objective (stoping this force who is using chemists and their powers for evil).
I tried to keep the gender vague so that we can decide that later.
I liked this idea most out of the ones listed so far. It could definitely be expanded upon. For example, one player's initial mission would be to hijack this shipment aforementioned and redirect it. If they manage to take the shipment without dying, (by hiring mercenaries previously or by skill/micro) then they gain control and move it. If not, they would not lose but would return to their "master" whomever that may be, most likely an NPC trying to screw everyone who would give them another mission. One player out of each connection would have to win, either by delivering goods in the previous example or by being stopped. Could make for interesting end-game plot twists.
Anyway, the player would then have to avoid the person chasing him/her, who would be another character. This character could get minimap pings from taverns and etc.
I'm not sure as of yet whether you wish to have characters goals be counter to the other players, so that they can have direct effects upon what the other players are trying to do? I also thought that the best possible way to do that system is to have a 5 player color/ally wheel. If anyone has played
Magic the Gathering the idea is the same. Organize 5 players in a circle. The ones nearest to a given player are his allies, and the ones opposite to him are his enemies. This way each player has 2 allies and 2 enemies, and shares the goal of eliminating another player with each of his allies. This aspect of it adds much to the strategy aspect. In MTG, this works well and would certainly add to the "Good vs. Evil" system in most RPG's and questlike games. (LOTR for example.)
In any case, I'd definitely like to help with the ideas portion. I don't however like the idea of having each person develop a single character, because then the characters tend to become very linear and generic, each having little actual personality and character, along with all-important linkage with the other characters. This is just my input, if you are already full that's fine too.
Ah, sorry Tux, my internet wasn't working till now, anyway I quickly wrote up a summary of Aiden's story, I'll improve on it later though.
X X X XGender: Male
X X X XOccupation: Thief
X X X XSpeciality: Pilfering, stealth
X X X XGoal(s): To avenge the death of his father
Aiden grew up in a poor community where the only way to make a living was by stealing, one day Aiden finds a rare item near a house, so naturally he steals it. He quickly finds out its very valuble so he sets out to sell it, him and his father hide it near their house. An evil man who happens to collects rare items finds out about this and makes an offer to Aiden, Aiden refuses so the collecter leaves him alone but warns him that he is making a terrible mistake. At night, Aiden smells a fire and wakes up, he wakes up to see his house burning and his father brutally stabbed. The rare item also is missing...
Sorry tux i was in school, then i had a dentist appointment. I just got out so here it is.......
X X X X Gender: Male
X X X X Initial Occupation: Oil Miner
X X X X Specialty: Welding and liquid specialization
X X X X Ultimate Goal: To meet his unknown brother.
X X X X Backstory: Lugaid is a miner in a giant oil field, He makes a great living, but his life feals incomplete. He has always been told he had a brother, and that he was seperated at birth when his parents divorced. He now seeks to find his brother, and nothing ill get in his way of doing this, even if it means death. The day before he sets off for his great adventure, an oil spill leaks and catches fire in his tent/cabin. Will he make it out and complete his long quest? Will he find his brother? Who is his brother? You'll have to play to find out
Why you starting another big rpgish project?
We're all desperately waiting your A&O Saga RPG.
I need to start working on my own project...I would help but, I'm a little busy. Maybe a tester?
Way too many damned tragic storylines! Can anyone create an interesting story without someone dying or forgetting their past, or both? So far 3 thiefs, 2 fires, 1 who forgot his past, 1 whose master is missing, and none of them honestly captivating. To critique one in particular that struck me as rediculous, Artanis draws the short straw.
Ah, sorry Tux, my internet wasn't working till now, anyway I quickly wrote up a summary of Aiden's story, I'll improve on it later though.
X X X XGender: Male
X X X XOccupation: Thief
X X X XSpeciality: Pilfering, stealth
X X X XGoal(s): To avenge the death of his father
Aiden grew up in a poor community where the only way to make a living was by stealing, one day Aiden finds a rare item near a house, so naturally he steals it. He quickly finds out its very valuble so he sets out to sell it, him and his father hide it near their house. An evil man who happens to collects rare items finds out about this and makes an offer to Aiden, Aiden refuses so the collecter leaves him alone but warns him that he is making a terrible mistake. At night, Aiden smells a fire and wakes up, he wakes up to see his house burning and his father brutally stabbed. The rare item also is missing...
Ok sentence one... in a poor community what the hell can you steal to earn a living? Anything you steal would be for someone's self support, and would doubtfully be able to be resold for money. Second, why would there be a rare item near a poor community? Perhaps that I could understand worked into a plot, but it seems very odd. Also, his father knows he is a thief and is okay with it? Word is let out to the public in a poor community that they have a rare item ... to sell ... to poor people? Anyone foolish enough for that could not possibly have been a thief that remains alive for so long. Any kind of an offer is not good enough for a poor guy in slums? After being threatened, still no acceptance of offer? Okay, forgetting about that fact, he gets his house burnt down and sees his father get stabbed, and then most likely from you trail continues on the quest of those that completely
ed him over? Easily and without a single problem? I know people in older times were uneducated, but this thief is beyond ignorant and foolish, and I know 6 year olds that make more thought out life decisions. Hell those 6 year olds couldwrite more logical storylines than this. Artanis don't even try the "his father died and he wasn't thinking clearly" cliche either. After a death you mad be sad, but not even a dog won't run after a bus that ran over its mother.
I told you I wrote it up quickly, so he could have something to work with, I'll re-write it later and fix up the little plotholes.
Poor community, maybe he ment like the ghetto or poor as in not well economicly, not poor poor. In the ghetto the have all those nice cars with hydralics and rims... those low riders. You never know?
Faz-, think about this where is lastplace a Thief would look for rare item? in poor community due fact rich people keep there stuff in safes not a poor area, so maybe rich person put stuff in poor area hoping it wouldnt get robbed. Sheese you need think logical at what you see.
I personaly Am Intregued by his "Tech Tree"
I think he should post some more info on it. What is it really? Do you learn any spells or is it just geting Mixes for Potions... I think you should have that old style where you get skill points and you chose where to put it. Attack, Defence, Charaisma, Intelligence, Dexterity... Ect... This could add alot more to gameplay purposes...
I know you will watch this but please watch the strings... I don't want to see a great map get messed over because of strings.
Name Ideas:
Hope I helped a Little...
Nice names OddAngel, now ya just hope that Tuxedo says yes to some of them
. String limit im sure will watch it or reuse old strings so not wasting alot of strings as well few other things. I seen lots maps waste lots of strings so im amusing team here will have to watch going be alot work going into it.
Last I heard (Last night), The four characters Tux is using are Goddard, Aiden, Alyssia, and Lugaid.
Oh, mm well i havent heard nothing yet so i wait and see what tux has to say.
Well no offense here but I said something against another member and thus far no one has said anything counter to my thoughts or against me myself. That leads me to believe either I have a reputation as being intelligent on SEN or what I said is logical. Thanks if either is the truth.
Well indeed im sure you have rep of being intelligent but meh, lol im just moronic. So lets get back on topic Oo waiting for tux post bling!