QUOTE(Rhiom @ Mar 6 2005, 03:02 AM)
think about what your saying, although this sounds good i theory can u think of somehting this relates to in history? it relates to the elitist societies of the old regime in which the arestocrisy and the nobles decided the fate of the masss populace. your suggestion cuts the mass of people out of the loop and creates an aristocrasy of the older memebers of the forum. In essence if this was enacted you would be creating an eliteist society in which it would be very impracticle to raise your social rank in this society, this would then in turn demote the amount of willingness to join the forum. one major reason new meber join is becuase they see fair opotunity to raise in status on this forum. once this is removed you will see a very lagre drop off in new meber, it wont take place immediatly but it would take place. in the end you would only be left with those who had been sleceted by the admins to give karma, and a few other hoepfulls who are on the point of being accepted into this elitest academy. other memebr would just simpl leave for another forum in which equal oppertunity was guarenteed. there is much president for this throughout history, not in the sense of an internet foru but in the sense of countries. In countrys people arwe capable of revoluting but sense that would be impossible i this case people would in turn just leave. so in short, if you enact the above mentioned system you would basicly cut out new memebers/ anoyne who isnt a regular/ elite already.
I don't agree with you.
In the situation where there were nobles and poor that you described they got their rank because of who were their parents, not because of their own skills.
While in my suggestion, the ones become allowed to give karma are those who proven themselves worthy to.
Someone can be here for years but only post poinless spam and not be able to give karma while someone new that just joined yet released were popular maps and acted maturely on the forum would be able to give karma.
Besides, members will know that you get karma for being nice to others and posting smart posts so it'll encourage them to not spam and act mature, or leave if they can't.
It'll move the level of this community one step up and will make SEN become a very respected place among all net SC sites and everyone will come here to see if they can fit up into the site of great map makers or if they should brush their skills and manners up.